Generate internet traffic for your website. Ever since the launch of Network the number of visitors from the feed and grain industries has been growing steadily, and no wonder. This A-Z of suppliers can be browsed by company, branch or product - making Network a highly specialized search engine. Your company will have an entry showing the branches you are active in, your products, a logo (optional) and a direct link to your own website.
Economize. Visitors find your company with a just few mouse clicks - and you save on advertising costs. After all, the subscription fee is a fraction of the cost of banner ads (the customary internet marketing tool).
Score higher in Google search results. Google determines the benefit of your site (and your ranking in the search results) based on the number of web pages that are pointing to your site. Simply put, having a link in Network means you score higher in Google search results! You score even better as soon as your company exhibits at a Victam show, as this means you will get another link via the Exhibitor List on the Victam website.
Stand out in the Exhibitor List. When you participate in one of our shows, your full Network entry is listed in the online Exhibitor List and your name is highlighted in a different colour than those companies without a Network entry. One mouse click on your company name will link the visitor directly to your website.