Victam News

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Date: June 12, 2023 Source:

Victam, Grapas and VIV Worldwide succesfully organised the first edition of VICTAM Asia and Health & Nutrition Asia in September 2022. The next edition will be organized from March 12 - 14, 2024 at the BITEC Exhibition Center in Bangkok, Thailand.



Forgot to sign-up? No panic! We are here to remind you that the Early Bird Discount for our upcoming Victam Asia 2024 event will end on June the 15th. Time is running.. take advantage of this opportunity to secure your space at a discounted rate while you can!

Many institutions and associations acknowledged the importance of this event. In addition, key players within the animal feed and flour processing industries have already confirmed their participation and we are still counting!

During the last edition in 2022, the visitors were very pleased with the exhibits, the newly launched products as well as the high quality of exhibitors and stands. The exhibitors reported that the number of visitors and as always the quality of those visitors was very high. The conference delegates also confirmed the quality of the speakers and papers presented at the conferences.

At VICTAM Asia and Health & Nutrition Asia 2024, you will find the latest technology, ingredients, and additives to manufacture and process feed for animals, pets, and aquatics. Furthermore, you will find the latest in pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical ingredients, genetics, and high-tech animal health solutions.

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Soybean production Brazil and partnership RTRS

Date: June 12, 2023 Source:

Brazil and soybean production

The issue of soybean production and sustainability in Brazil is a complex one. Therefore, this sensitive topic causes political tension in the region. Brazil is the world's largest exporter of soybeans, and the crop is a major driver of the country's economy. One of the main issues is that soybean farming is often done in areas with high biodiversity, including the Amazon rainforest, which has a number of negative consequences. Deforestation can lead to a loss of biodiversity, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and changes in local climate patterns. Additionally, soybean farming often involves the use of pesticides and fertilizers, which can be harmful to the environment and to human health.

There are a number of organizations working to promote sustainable soybean farming practices in Brazil. One such organization is the Roundtable on Responsible Soy (RTRS), also our partner, which is a global organization that works to promote sustainable soybean production. RTRS will organize a round table session during the LatAm event including a field trip. They have developed a set of standards for sustainable soybean farming, which includes requirements for protecting biodiversity, reducing pesticide use, and promoting fair labor practices. The RTRS also works to promote transparency in the soybean supply chain, which can help to prevent deforestation and other negative environmental impacts.

Overall, promoting sustainable soybean farming practices is an important issue for those concerned about the environment and animal welfare. In order to eliminate the tension to some little extent, partnering up with local associations and supporting organizations like the RTRS is considered the first step in helping to 1. Acknowledge this tension, 2. Be transparent about it and eventually 3. Promoting sustainability in a way to reduce the negative impacts of soybean farming in Brazil. This can involve working with farmers to adopt more sustainable practices, promoting transparency in the supply chain and reduce demand for soybeans that are produced through unsustainable practices. The foregoing includes promoting alternative sources of animal feed, reducing meat consumption, and promoting plant-based diets with the goal to reduce negative environmental impacts of soybean farming in Brazil and elsewhere.

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Date: June 1, 2023 Source:

We are very pleased to announce that the visitor registration is now open for the first Victam LatAm 2023 event taking place on 3-5 October in Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil. This upcoming event for all segments of the animal feed production is co-located with two dedicated events for flour processing and handling events, GRAPAS and GEAPS. 

This complete event will feature a wide range of exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations and services in the industry.

“The importance of the LATAM Region for our business and our wish to be as close to the market as possible, this makes our decision to participate in Victam LATAM an obvious one.”

Exhibitor quote Global MarCom Manager at ANDRITZ Feed & Biofuel

Whether you are a mill owner, director, manager, operator or a nutritionist, this event is the place to be to take advantage of the opportunity to network with industry professionals, learn about the latest trends and technologies, and explore new business opportunities. Not only within the exhibition halls you will learn about industry innovations, but also through our extensive conferences and technical seminars with key speakers sharing their insights. Victam Foundation will host the 3rd International Feed Technology Congress with Wageningen University along with other interesting extrusion programs such as “Maximized Feed Mill” and "Online Milling School" organized by Perendale. 

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Victam Insights - June edition

Date: April 17, 2023 Source:

In the spotlight: Hydronix

With Victam Insights, we now officially have a confirmed partnership with Perendale. Each month we are writing about a specific theme within the animal feed industry and include exclusive interviews with our exhibitors about Petfood, Aquafeed but also about Grain handling and storage. All published in the following magazines:

  • Milling & Grain 
  • Aquafeed
  • Petfood International
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Memorium Henk van de Bunt

Date: April 6, 2023 Source:

"In loving memory of Henk van de Bunt"

02/06/1948 - 01/02/2023

It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we inform you of the death of Henk van de Bunt at the age of 74 years old, passed away last Wednesday, February 1, 2023. Henk was ill and his situation got worse quickly over the last two months. Until November he was still active in the Victam Foundation, but he resigned for all his duties at the end of November.

‘’Many of you, especially in the Feed Industry, would have known Henk van de Bunt, previously a Board Member and latterly General Manager of Victam BV but who sadly passed away in February. I was privileged to attend the “Celebration of his Life” in his home town of Nijkerk in The Netherlands and rather appropriately in the shadow of his old van de Bunt family feed mill along with over 300 friends, colleagues, business associates and of course his mourning family. I was struck as I spoke to many of the guests the enormous respect and deep feelings that were being expressed about Henk and what an impact he had on so many lives.

I knew him through his tenure as GM of Victam and I soon discovered that here was a man who was devoted to the wellbeing of the feed industry and that he was convinced that Victam had an important and essential role to play in the industry”s worldwide development. In many ways Henk was the “soul” of Victam, especially to the staff and international colleagues who worked so hard alongside Henk to ensure that the Victam exhibitions and conference that are held in Thailand and Europe would under his guidance become so successful.

Henk was always generous and good to work for and with. As long as he had his signature Gladstone cigarette and a glass of Famous Grouse whisky in the evening all was well in the world.

His loss is a great loss to Victam and the industry he loved and served. Henk was also a loving and devoted husband and father. He leaves his wife, Anneke, three sons and grandchildren. Our thoughts are with them.’’

Andrew West

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Interview Engormix - Victam launches first event in Latin America

Date: April 6, 2023 Source:

Interview Nick Mouthaan, Accountmanager Victam

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IFTC program Victam LatAm 2023

Date: April 6, 2023 Source:

During the Victam LatAm event in October 2023, Wageningen University supported by the VICTAM Foundation will host the 3rd International Feed Technology Congress (IFTC 2023) in São Paulo, Brazil. 

On behalf of the scientific, advisory and organization committee of the Congress, we invite students, professors, researchers and professionals from industry to participate to the IFTC program. The aim is that IFTC 2023 will bring together people from research institutions and from industry to exchange knowledge and expertise, to share technical and scientific developments in the fields of animal feed technology and to discuss the latest results. The goal is to provide a vehicle to enhance cooperation between industry and research institutions and to allow creation of innovative projects and collaborations.

The congress will see thematic presentations by international keynote speakers as well as oral and poster presentations. 
Themes of the congress
1- Issues related to animal nutrition and feed technology in Europe
2- Recent developments in pig and poultry nutrition
3- Major challenges for the South American dairy cattle industry
4- Mycotoxin control and feed safety in South America: state of the art
Website IFTC 2023
Currently under construction. Will be available with all necessary information soon.




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Victam and Grapas in co-location with GEAPS in Latin America

Date: April 6, 2023 Source:

Co-location confirmed! The first VICTAM LatAm, co-located with GRAPAS LatAm and knowledge based association Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS), will focus on animal feed, milling and grain processing opportunities in Latin America, Oct. 3-5, 2023, at Expo Center Norte, Red Pavion, in São Paulo, Brazil. Those in the grain industry look to GEAPS for the biggest and best show in the grain industry, GEAPS Exchange. 

GEAPS Exchange historically brings together thousands of industry professionals and decision makers. Exhibiting in the GEAPS Pavilion isn’t a replacement for GEAPS Exchange offered each year in late winter, but an opportunity for expansion to meet decision makers from South America and beyond. It also presents a great opportunity for GEAPS members living and working in South America.

“Our mission at GEAPS is to advance industry knowledge and information through our global network of agricultural professionals. We see our mission come to life each year at our GEAPS Exchange but realize that many outside of North America cannot take advantage of this event. We believe that partnering with VICTAM to launch an expo in South America will leverage the strength of both organizations and bring immense value to GEAPS members and the industry as a whole in a new geography."

Mr. Steve Records, Executive Director, GEAPS

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Newsletter December

Date: December 17, 2021 Source:

IFTC - Call for Papers

Date: October 28, 2021 Source:
On Tuesday 31 May and Wednesday 1 June 2022, Wageningen University supported by the VICTAM Foundation will host the 2nd International Feed Technology Congress (IFTC 2022) in Utrecht, The Netherlands. This 2nd IFTC will be held during the 2022 VICTAM International exhibition.

On behalf of the scientific, advisory and organization committee of the Congress, we invite students, professors, researchers and professionals from industry to participate to the 2nd IFTC. The aim is that the IFTC 2022 will bring together people from research institutions and from industry to exchange knowledge and expertise, to share technical and scientific developments in the fields of animal feed technology and to discuss the latest results. The goal is to provide a vehicle to enhance cooperation between industry and research institutions and to allow creation of innovative projects and collaborations.
           The congress will see thematic presentations by international keynote speakers as well as oral and poster presentations. Contributions to the IFTC 2022 will be published as a special issue of the Journal ‘Animal Feed Science & Technology’.
Themes of the congress
The 2022 Congress themes include research into new technologies without the necessity to be typical associated with the animal feed industry, feed ingredients, compound diets or animal species. Future challenges require novel solutions which can originate from all kinds of technologies,  commonly employed in other sector such as the food or the sensor industry. In addition, research into the effects of technology on (anti)nutrients (how to improve feeding value) are welcome also with respect to physical properties (feed structure, texture, ... etc.). Finally, we like to focus on the technology directed towards pre-mixtures and feed additives/bio-active products. Spraying and coating techniques for mash and pellets, for example, are a fascinating subject for the congress.
The Congress themes in short:
1- New technologies for future solutions
2- Valorization of raw materials by technology
3- Technology of pre-mixtures and feed additives/bio-active products
Next to contributions to animal (incl. production, companion, zoo, etc) nutrition, technologies associated with human foods are welcome.
Abstract submissions
Please send us an Email with your contribution to the IFTC 2022: the Abstract (see Format) should include a title, name of author(s) and affiliation(s) and one-page pdf-abstract; letter type, times new roman font size 11 (references 10 pnts). Please mention ‘IFTC 2022 Abstract’ in the Email subject line. The Abstract – once accepted - will appear in the ’Book of Abstracts’ that will be used during the Congress. Your abstract will be reviewed by the IFTC scientific committee on suitability to the themes of the congress and scientific quality.
Deadline for the submission of Abstracts to the IFTC is 1 March, 2022; please email you contribution(s) to:
For each theme of the Congress, we will invite a keynote speakers (45 min.), three oral presentations (30 min. each) and three contributions for a poster pitch (10 min. each). A decision on acceptance (yes/no) of the Abstract will be provided two weeks after submission with all accepted Abstracts published in a Book of Abstracts, available for the participants at the Congress. A further notification of the Abstract acceptance - oral or poster - will be provided on 15 April 2022.
Proceedings of the Congress
IFTC 2022 contributions will be published as a full paper or a short communication in a Special Issue of the Journal ‘Animal Feed Science & Technology’ (AFST). All contributions will be reviewed according to the AFST Journal standards. Acceptance for the Book of Abstracts is no guarantee for acceptance as a contribution to AFST.
Website IFTC 2022
All necessary information can be found on our IFTC 2022 website.
Key Dates
March 1st, 2022          Deadline for submissions of Abstracts
April 15th, 2022         Notification of final Abstract acceptance by the Scientific Committee
May 15th, 2022          Final program
May 31st, 2022          Congress start, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Congress Book of Abstracts
Sharing this information
Please share this message with your colleagues/contacts as well as with any person who might be interested in attending the 2022 IFTC. We are looking forward to welcome you in Utrecht.
On behalf of Wageningen University and The VICTAM Foundation,

Thomas van der Poel

Advisory Board
Prof. dr L.A. den Hartog (Foundation VICTAM)
Prof. dr W.H. Hendriks (Wageningen University)

Scientific Committee
Prof. dr R. Zijlstra (Edmonton, Canada),
Prof. dr M. Eeckhout (Genth, Belgium),
Dr M. Abdollahi (Palmerston North, New Zealand),
Dr H. Cheng (Beijing, China),
Dr. D. Miladinovic (Ås, Norway),
Dr A.F.B. van der Poel (Wageningen, The Netherlands).
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Newsletter September

Date: September 14, 2021 Source:

New Dates for Victam Asia and Health and Nutrition Asia

Date: September 1, 2021 Source: VICTAM

VICTAM Asia in co-location with Health & Nutrition Asia are planned on September 7-9, 2022

Due to the ongoing worldwide pandemic, the management teams of VICTAM Corporation and VIV worldwide have decided to postpone VICTAM Asia and Health & Nutrition Asia in Bangkok to the third quarter of 2022.

The current situation is still not as optimal as it was estimated. Above all, the health of exhibitors and visitors and the successful outcome of the event are most important to the organizers.

In light of the recent increase in COVID-19 cases, which has forced the Royal Thai Government to implement new strict measures to control the spread of the pandemic, and the delays of the vaccination programs in several Asian countries, VICTAM and VIV do not see the opportunity to realize a large-scale event on the short term. Looking at the ongoing travel restrictions from and to Asia, the organizers also believe that it is not possible to guarantee the event quality as we know them for. The postponement to the third quarter of 2022 is in the interest of the whole industry.

VICTAM Asia in co-location with Health & Nutrition Asia are thus rescheduled to September 7-9, 2022. The new venue selected is IMPACT Halls 9-10, in Bangkok, Thailand. The objective remains the same: to realize the Total Animal Feed and Health event.

The dates secured in September 2022 will give all stakeholders room to breathe and pay attention to other vital issues. The organizers’ mission is to present a strong, value-adding event to the industry with high benefits for all parties.

VICTAM Corporation and VIV worldwide will also continue their partnership in Europe in 2022 by co-locating VICTAM International and VIV Europe at the Jaarbeurs venue in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from May 31 – June 2, 2022. With the high percentage of vaccinations in Europe there is no reason to doubt that this show can successfully go on as planned.

For more information, please visit the official websites and


Sebas van den Ende                                                  Heiko M. Stutzinger

General Manager                                                         Director VIV worldwide and Managing Director

VICTAM Corporation                                                 VNU Asia Pacific and VNU Europe


Press contacts.

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Prof. Dr. Leo den Hartog about the 2nd edition of IFTC @ Victam International 2022

Date: June 8, 2021 Source:


Prof. Dr. Leo den Hartog, R&D Director of Nutreco, Professor at Wageningen University and Chairman of the Board of the Victam Foundation, is one of the organizers of The International Feed Technology Congress at the Event Victam International 2022 at Jaarbeurs Utrecht, the Netherlands where Leo den Hartog will be hosting the 2nd edition of IFTC. With great pleasure he shared some of his time to have an interview with us.


Would you please introduce yourself?

As you’ve introduced me already, I am Leo den Hartog and besides my position at Nutreco, I am also an extraordinary professor of “Animal Nutrition in a circular economy” at the Department of Animal Nutrition at Wageningen University.

I have been involved in academic research of Animal Nutrition for over 40 years. So you could say it is not only my profession, it is also my passion. During these decades of commitment to the industry I have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of colleagues and professionals of whom some have become my friends.


How did IFTC come to life?

Feed Processing Technology is extremely important for e.g. high quality feed and feed ingredients. The effects on digestibility and utilization of raw materials for all different animal species are important to our industry. There hasn’t been a conference in this area of expertise before, while there is research done at several places around the globe. Therefore we concluded to organize an international conference where scientific data are presented and where scientists and nutritionists from academia and the industry will be able to meet each other.

The department of Animal Nutrition of Wageningen University and the Victam Foundation are the organizers of the IFTC. From my profession in research but also as chairman of the Board of Victam Foundation there is a great involvement in this conference.


How did you experience the 1st edition of IFTC?

The first edition was a great success with 125 participants from more than 30 countries. At the end of the conference a workshop was organized with invited people and here we discussed the research topics for the future.”

Can you give us some hints on the upcoming congress at Victam International 2022?

“The programme is under discussion at the moment so I am unable to reveal any secrets. However… I can tell you that this time feed technology for the aqua and pet food sectors will be included.


Who do you hope to see at the congress?

Since we organize this conference every three years I hope to meet all the participants of the last IFTC conference, and of course I would like to see a lot of new participants as well. This is the only place where you can get a quick update of the recent research in Feed Technology and meet a lot of colleagues/experts. This is what excites me the most for both Victam International 2022 and the 2nd IFTC

Thank you for your time Mr. den Hartog, we are very excited about the 2nd edition of IFTC and we look forward to hearing which subjects will be addressed at the congress.

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2nd International Feed Technology Congress (IFTC 2022) during VICTAM International 2022

Date: May 12, 2021 Source: AllAboutFeed, Animal Feed, Animal nutrition, Events, IFTC, VICTAM

Wageningen University to host the 2nd International Feed Technology Congress (IFTC 2022) during VICTAM International 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Save the date:

IFTC 2022: 31 May/1 June 2022, Utrecht, the Netherlands

The 2nd International Feed Technology Congress (IFTC 2022), organized by Wageningen University and the VICTAM Foundation will be held from 31 May/1 June 2022 during the VICTAM International 2022 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

            After the successful 1st edition, brought together 120 researchers from 26 different countries of all continents in Cologne, Germany, the 2nd edition again will focus on bringing together researchers from universities, research institutions and industry to discuss the latest developments in feed technology. During the 1st IFTC, valorization of raw materials by technology, current process developments and outcomes of feed technology with respect to feed formulation were major topics. A special Workshop was organized to discuss current and future issues of importance in feed manufacturing technology. Contributions and the results of the Workshop were recently published as a special issue of the ‘Animal Feed Science & Technology’ journal. The successful format of the 1st IFTC will guarantee high quality presentations by world-renowned experts, open discussions, and publication of the latest scientific and practical developments in feed technology during the 2nd IFTC.

The 2nd IFT Congress will be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands during the VICTAM International Exhibition in 2022. Please save the date of the Conference (31 May/1 June 2022) and share this message with your contacts or any person who might be interested in presenting their paper. The topics of the conference and speakers will be published soon.

Further announcements on the submission organization will come by August/September 2021.

By Dr A.F.B. van der Poel,

Wageningen University & Research,

Animal Nutrition group, Wageningen,

The Netherlands

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Victam Asia will join forces with VIV Asia in January 2022

Date: April 30, 2021 Source:


Victam Asia will join forces with VIV Asia in January 2022

Impact exhibition center, Bangkok, Thailand, January 12 – 14 - 2022

After postponing the event Victam Asia twice, now with the current vaccination programs all over the world, we are positive that Victam’s world leading event can be organized again in January 2022! This means that we are getting back on track.

As many events were postponed the past two years, there will be a full agenda once events can take place again. To optimize the event for our exhibitors and visitors and trying to avoid conflicts with other events, Victam and VNU have decided to join forces: Victam Asia and VIV Asia will be organized in co-location.

The two events Victam Asia and VIV Asia will be organized in co-location at the IMPACT Exhibition Center in Bangkok, Thailand from January 12-14, 2022.

After informing our existing exhibitors, we received many positive reactions on this cooperation, so we trust we are coming back with our event that you have come to know us for, only bigger, better and stronger!

We are thankful that we are able to restart our activities and happy that we will meet again soon. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sebas van den Ende                                                                  

General Manager                                                        

VICTAM Corporation                                                                     


Press contacts

For more information, please contact:

Victam: Mrs. Frederiken van Hilten -

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IDMA AND VICTAM 2021 event postponed

Date: April 19, 2021 Source:

Dear IDMA AND VICTAM 2021 Exhibitors and Visitors,
Due to covid restrictions around the world, with regret, we would like to inform you that the IDMA AND VICTAM 2021 event for May 27-29, 2021 has been postponed and will be rescheduled.

The decision to postpone the event was requested by our valuable associations that support IDMA AND VICTAM, exhibitors and visitors.

We will inform you with new dates as soon as possible. However, we would like to thank our business partners, associations, exhibitors and visitors for their support and cooperation in this challenging time. We believe that in the upcoming days, the circumstances for such events will be more fruitful and productive for our participants.

We trust that we will overcome the challenges of this pandemic situation together. Your health and safety is our priorty and in this regard we would like to emphasize that our decision to reschedule the fair is to have a successful fair in the future. We thank you for your support and understanding.

Sebas van den Ende
General Manager
VICTAM Corporation

Press contacts
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Ahmet Acikgoz (Parantez),
Mrs. Frederiken van Hilten (Victam) -

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VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia ประกาศเลื่อนการจัดงานเป็นวันที่ 18-20 มกราคม พ.ศ.2565

Date: April 30, 2020 Source:

สืบเนื่องจากสถานการณ์การระบาดของไวรัส COVID-19 ทั่วโลก คณะผู้บริหารจาก VICTAM Corporation และ VIV worldwide ก่อนหน้านี้ตัดสินใจประกาศเปลี่ยนวันจัดงาน VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia ไปอยู่ในช่วงต้นไตรมาสที่สามของปี พ.ศ.2563อย่างไรดี สถานการณ์ทั่วโลกยังคงอยู่ในช่วงวิกฤตและจำเป็นต้องใช้ระยะเวลาที่ยาวนานขึ้นในการแก้ไขปัญหาทางผู้จัดจึงไม่สามารถจัดงานในช่วงต้นเดือนกรกฎาคมตามกำหนดการเดิม ตราบใดที่สถานการณ์การระบาด COVID-19 ยังคงส่งผลกระทบส่งธุรกิจทั่วโลกจึงนำมาสู่บทสรุปที่ต้องยอมรับว่า เราไม่สามารถจัดงานแสดงสินค้าในช่วงนี้ได้ เพราะลูกค้าคือบุคคลที่สำคัญที่สุดสำหรับเรา

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VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia postponed to 18 – 20 January 2022

Date: April 30, 2020 Source:

As the worldwide situation is still very critical and a long way from being solved, we cannot take the risk of organizing an event as early as July. COVID-19 is still disrupting the business around the world and we come to a conclusion that being present at the exhibition is not at the moment, our client’s priority. The event has been postponed to postponed to 18 – 20 January 2022. You can read the full statement in the file below.

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Victam Corporation and VIV worldwide continue their partnership in 2022

Date: February 4, 2020 Source:

Last year the Victam Corporation and VIV worldwide announced their partnership in Asia for the VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand. Today it was announced that the two exhibition brands will further continue their partnership by organizing VICTAM International and VIV Europe together at the Jaarbeurs exhibition grounds in Utrecht in 2022 from May 31st – June 2nd.

“This means that the VICTAM International exhibition will move back from Cologne, Germany to its home country, the Netherlands, and where it all started in 1965, the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. The set-up of the exhibition is different from the set-up in Asia as VIV Europe and VICTAM International will be co-located but with each exhibition in their own halls,” says Mr. Sebas van den Ende, General Manager of the Victam Corporation. 

"We are enthusiastic about the synergy and good cooperation that VICTAM and VIV have established. This partnership continues with a different program in Europe, which will bring to the animal husbandry industry an even wider and richer platform in 2022. We look at the co-location of VIV Europe and VICTAM International as an important achievement after nearly 4 decades of independent growth and development of the respective events in Europe and in the world,” says Mr. Heiko M. Stutzinger, Director of VIV worldwide, and Managing Director of VNU Asia Pacific.

“Today, the strong network of VICTAM in feed technology and animal feed processing, together with the Feed to Food concept that VIV Europe is famous for, are ready to deliver a very complete and professional platform to exhibitors and visitors.” concludes Mr. Stutzinger.

The organizers are looking forward to welcoming the feed and animal health industries from May 31st – June 2nd, 2022 at Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, The Netherlands. 

Stand sales will start in the fall of 2020. For more information, please visit  or    

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Date: January 30, 2020 Source:

VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 will open the doors of BITEC on March 24 – 26, 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand, with around 400 exhibitors and 17,800 square meter of exhibition space. The event provides a total solution from feed production to animal health and pharmaceuticals. In parallel with the exhibition, there is an extensive conference program available with specialized topics in the field of animal feed technology, animal nutrition and health.   

Exhibiting in one of the three show halls of VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia, gives exhibitors access to the world’s fastest growing market, Asia, and to a targeted audience of around 9,000 professional visitors including CEOs, feed formulators, mill managers, nutritionists, operation directors, veterinarians, academics, and many more.

“Thailand has been the home for our Asian events for almost thirty years and is certainly a key market for the show in terms of potential investors, top buyers and suppliers,” says Mr. Sebas van den Ende, General Manager of Victam International.

“The show has a dedicated program for key people of the industry, including top buyers, which is offered to Thailand and other key markets. The “Industry Leaders Program” offers the opportunity to 150 top industry players to be special guests at the show and enjoy extra participation privileges” mentions Heiko M. Stutzinger, Director of VIV worldwide, and Managing Director, VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific Co., Ltd.

Continuing with the series of appointments that the show organizers have planned heading to the show and started last month in Myanmar, the Official press conference for the promotion kick-off in Thailand of VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 was held today, January 30th, at the Westin Grande Sukhumvit Hotel in Bangkok.

Mr. Sebas van den Ende and Mr. Heiko M. Stutzinger gave detailed updates on the March 2020 event and the cooperation between VICTAM and VIV. After the official presentation, a select number of exhibitors were able to present a short highlight of their products.

The opening Ceremony will be on 24 March 2020 at V-Square in halls EH 100-101 in BITEC from 10.30 – 11.30 hrs. New at this event is the V-square where all kinds of activities will take place like the opening ceremony, the network reception and the VIP lounge. It is called the V-square as the letter V links VICTAM and VIV as partners.

VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia offers a series of high quality industry conferences and technical seminars in the fields of animal feed technology, health and nutrition. From current trends and the future in aquafeed to sustainability in petfood to functionalities and nutritional aspects in insect proteins and antibiotic alternatives, there is a topic for everyone in the industry.

VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia is also the exhibition to find all the latest innovations from companies like Andritz, Biomin, Buhler, DSM, Famsun, Impextraco, Kemin, K-PRO, Trouw Nutrition, Van Aarsen and many others.

The organizers are looking forward to welcoming the feed and animal health industries from March 24 – 26, 2020 at BITEC, in Bangkok, Thailand. All information and the online registration is available on the official show websites:  and

For the Thai version, please click here.

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Giant cooperation for grain and feed industry by IDMA and VICTAM

Date: January 20, 2020 Source:

Parantez International Fair and Victam International, the organizers of events for the grain and feed milling sectors, have combined their success and expertise for IDMA Exhibition. The two companies that set out to organize the biggest international event of the sector, will organize the 9th International Exhibition for Flour, Feed, Semolina, Rice, Corn, Bulgur Milling Machinery and Pulses, Pasta, Biscuit Technologies together on 11-13 March 2021 under the name IDMA AND VICTAM EMEA. Please click on the download button for the full press release. 

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Merry holidays and a Happy New Year!

Date: December 18, 2019 Source:

The total solution for Animal Feed and Health is coming in March 2020!

Date: December 9, 2019 Source:

Official Press Conference in Yangon, Myanmar

The launch of VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 as a joint event combines, under one roof, the expertise of two show organizers, VICTAM and VIV, who made the summer headlines worldwide for a unique event in Asia.

Providing total solutions ranging from feed production, feed technology and processing, to feed ingredients, feed additives, animal health and pharmaceuticals in animal protein production, VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 will open its doors on 24-26 March 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand, with around 400 exhibitors in a 17,800 square meter space at BITEC.

Exhibiting in one of the 3 show halls of VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia gives exhibitors access to the world’s fastest growing market – Asia, and to a targeted audience of around 9,000 professional visitors including CEOs, feed formulators, mill managers, nutritionists, operation directors, transportation managers, veterinarians, academics, and more.

“Via a joint promotion campaign and the industries’ mobilization operated in synergy by VICTAM and VIV, exhibitors will benefit from a highly qualified network, which is also the most complete network in Asia for feed and animal health. A one-of-a-kind opportunity” said Ms. Panadda Kongma, Head of Agribusiness and Operations at VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific.

As part of the ASEAN region, Myanmar is not only a focus market for the show for potential investors and top buyers, but also for suppliers. For the official VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 Launch Press Conference and promotion event held last Thursday, December 5th, at the Myanmar Expo Hall in Yangon, VICTAM and VIV have invited expert speakers to discuss the importance of animal health and animal disease prevention: Dr. Mya Han, Chairman of the Myanmar Livestock Federation, Prof. Dr. Ye Htut Aung from the University of Veterinary Science Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw.

According to Dr. Mya Han, Chairman of Myanmar Livestock Federation who talked about the current situation of the livestock market and future trends, “while the whole agriculture sector plays an important role in Myanmar’s economy, livestock production has become critically important for food security, especially to supply sufficient quality protein for people and to guarantee food safety. I do believe that VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 will provide the right business platform for Myanmar stakeholders to share knowledge. It will also encourage the Myanmar livestock sector’s productivity, profitability and sustainability” he said.

Prof. Dr. Ye Thut Aung, from the University of Veterinary Science Yezin, Myanmar discussed the importance of monitoring animal health and preventing animal disease outbreaks. “The recent trends and future prospects in livestock production in Myanmar are fueled by an increasing demand for livestock products, driven largely by human population growth, income growth, and urbanization, which will continue for the next three decades at least. Livestock plays very important economic and social-cultural roles in the wellbeing of rural households. Diseases are among the most significant limiting factors for livestock production. They diminish the capacity of the animal to achieve its inherent potential level of production, for any given feeding and management regimen. The impacts of animal disease can vary from reduced productivity and restricted market access to the elimination of entire flocks or herds, with the resultant loss of biodiversity and valuable genetic resources.” In conclusion, Dr. Ye Thut Aung identified four elements to be considered for a successful and healthy future for the animal husbandry industry: disease detection, prevention, improvement and the sustainable development of the livestock sector. “By protecting animals, we preserve our future”, he said. “VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 will be the exhibition platform for Myanmar and other Asian markets to find the latest solutions on Animal Health.”

Mr. Sebas van den Ende, General Manager of the Victam Corporation adds that “VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia is the platform for exhibiting companies to launch their new products or services in the fields of technology, ingredients and additives to manufacture feed for animals as well as the latest in pharmaceutics, genetics and high-tech animal health solutions. This event is all about networking and learning the latest within these industries”.

The show also introduces a dedicated program for potential buyers, which is offered to Myanmar and other key markets. The so called “Industry Leaders Program” offers the opportunity to 150 top industry buyers to be special guests at the show and enjoy extra participation privileges.

VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020, by VICTAM and VIV is a 3-day trade show and conference program with more than 100 speakers. The organizers are looking forward to welcoming the feed and animal health industries from 24-26 March at BITEC, in Bangkok, Thailand. Online pre-registration is now available at the official show websites: and

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You can now register for VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020!

Date: November 20, 2019 Source:

You can now register for VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 via!

At VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020, you will find the latest technology, ingredients and additives to manufacture and process feed for animals, pets and aquatics. You will also find the latest in pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical ingredients, genetics and high-tech animal health solutions, making this event the total animal feed and health event organized by Victam and VIV. #victamviv

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VICTAM and VIV join forces to fuel growth in the Asian market

Date: June 28, 2019 Source:

International trade show organisers behind VIV and VICTAM are combining their events planned for Bangkok, Thailand, in the early part of 2020. 

This new partnership unites arrangements relating to the Animal Feed and Grain Industries Show VICTAM Asia in March 2020 and the VIV Health & Nutrition Asia Trade Fair and Forum originally planned to take place in Bangkok in January 2020.

Both events will now be co-located at Bangkok’s BITEC exhibition grounds on 24-26 March 2020 as VICTAM Asia and Animal Health & Nutrition, by VICTAM and VIV. 

Click on the download button to read the full statement.

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Prof. Jürgen Zentek, Dr. Menno Thomas and Dr. Hans Stein to speak at 1st International Feed Technology Congress.

Date: March 26, 2019 Source:

Wageningen University and the Victam Foundation will host the first International Feed Technology Congress (IFTC 2019) directed towards the evolvements in animal feed processing. This conference will take place during the VICTAM International 2019 event in Cologne, Germany, 12th and 13th June 2019. Click on the download button below to read more. 

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11 entries now confirmed for GRAPAS Innovations Awards!

Date: March 26, 2019 Source:

The GRAPAS Innovations Awards, due to take place during the GRAPAS Conference at VICTAM International this June, are really heating up, with 11 confirmed entries into the awards! 

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Last chance to submit your abstract for Petfood Forum Europe 2019

Date: November 2, 2018 Source: Pet Food
Submissions must be made by November 5, 2018

The Petfood Forum Europe 2019 content advisory board is seeking abstracts for noncommercial oral presentations. This networking and educational conference for the European and global pet food market is scheduled for June 13, 2019 at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany.

If you’re interested in speaking, click here to see details and make a submission. Please do not submit an abstract if you are not sure you will be able to attend Petfood Forum Europe on that date.
What to submit

Potential speakers are invited to submit noncommercial abstracts on topics including:
New research on companion animal nutrition;
Novel ingredients and their potential applications in pet food or treat formulations;
Data, trends and predictions for the pet food market, focusing on Europe and including opportunities for innovation;
New pet retailing information pertinent to the selling or distribution of pet food, including via e-commerce, in Europe;
New information or ideas for marketing pet food, including via social media;
New information, techniques or processes for product development in pet food;
Update on regulatory information relevant to pet food in the European Union;
New research, technology or processes for pet food production;
New research, technology or other information on pet food packaging;
New, specific information on one focused aspect of pet food safety (no general overviews of regulations or pet food safety programs).

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this exciting conference!


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Submit your abstract for Petfood Forum Europe 2019

Date: September 25, 2018 Source: Pet Food

Deadline to submit an abstract is November 5, 2018

The Petfood Forum Europe 2019 content advisory board is seeking abstracts for noncommercial oral presentations. This networking and educational conference for the European and global pet food market is scheduled for June 13, 2019 at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany.

If you’re interested in speaking, click here to see details and make a submission. Please do not submit an abstract if you are not sure you will be able to attend Petfood Forum Europe on that date.
What to submit
Potential speakers are invited to submit noncommercial abstracts on topics including:
 New research on companion animal nutrition;
 Novel ingredients and their potential applications in pet food or treat formulations;
 Data, trends and predictions for the pet food market, focusing on Europe and including opportunities for innovation;
 New pet retailing information pertinent to the selling or distribution of pet food, including via e-commerce, in Europe;
 New information or ideas for marketing pet food, including via social media;
 New information, techniques or processes for product development in pet food;
 Update on regulatory information relevant to pet food in the European Union;
 New research, technology or processes for pet food production;
 New research, technology or other information on pet food packaging;
 New, specific information on one focused aspect of pet food safety (no general overviews of regulations or pet food safety programs).

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this exciting conference!

Petfood Industry

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VICTAM Asia 2018: a bellweather of change

Date: August 9, 2018 Source: Far Eastern Agriculture

"VICTAM is a great place to seek out market trends, update technology and stay on top of the changing landscapes of multiple industries". Read the full article by Far eastern Agriculture by clicking on the download button. 

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The GRAPAS Award for Innovation

Date: July 4, 2018 Source: Milling and Grain Magazine

Too close to call! That was the result of the compilation of results from a panel of international judges evaluating this year's finalists in for the GRAPAS Innovation Award in Bangkok, Thailand. Milling & Grain magazine is Patron of the GRAPAS Awards for the cereal milling industries and announced the joint-winners at Victam Asia 2018's Reception which was held at the city's BITEC on the 27th of March. In judging this year's nominations, the international judging panel gave weight to the criteria identified in the entry categories for equipment which is particularly applicable to use in cereal (wheat, rice, maize etc) milling, but could not separate the final three winners.

Click on the download button to read the full article. 

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Watch our after movie from VICTAM Asia 2018!

Date: April 13, 2018 Source:

You can view the summary of VICTAM Asia 2018 here!

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Petfood Forum Asia 2018: Innovation for dynamic pet food markets

Date: March 6, 2018 Source: Pet Food

Pet food industry experts will address the latest research and key topics for these fast-growing pet food markets. Read all about the conference by downloading the article below. 


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Aquafeed Horizons to focus on processing and formulation advances

Date: February 27, 2018 Source:

The 11th Aquafeed Horizons Asia Conference, taking place on the first day of VICTAM Asia 2018, will bring together fish and shrimp feed processors, nutritionists, buyers and other industry professionals from throughout the region and beyond, to learn about the latest developments in aquafeed production. Read all about the conference by downloading the article below.

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GRAPAS Asia 2018: A conference for cereal, flour and rice millers

Date: February 23, 2018 Source: Grain & Flour Milling, Rice Milling

Following the success of the ‘GRAPAS and Global Milling Conference 2017’ held during the recent FVG Select gathering in Cologne, Germany, this highly-anticipated event will be back this year in Bangkok, Thailand, on March 27, the first day of VICTAM Asia which runs from March 27-29 at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC). Read all about the conference by downloading the article below.

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9th edition of the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference during VICTAM Asia 2018

Date: February 21, 2018 Source:
The 9th edition of the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference aims to address the most pressing issues facing today’s nutritionists and animal feed producers. Download the full article below.
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Showtime Spring 2018 edition is out!

Date: February 13, 2018 Source:

The new edition of Showtime is out! You can download the special show edition (VICTAM Asia 2018) here.

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Petfood Forum Asia 2018 announces opening session speaker, registration launch.

Date: February 1, 2018 Source:
Petfood Forum Asia 2018 announces opening session speaker, registration launch 

Sandy Robins, pet lifestyle expert and author, to open Asia’s only pet food manufacturing-focused conference.


 Petfood Forum Asia, a conference for the Southeast Asian pet food and pet treat industry, has confirmed Sandy Robins as the opening session speaker for the 2018 edition, scheduled for March 28 in Bangkok, Thailand. Registration is now open with early bird savings available for this exclusive conference.

“We are pleased to announce Sandy Robins as the opening session speaker for Petfood Forum Asia,” said Debbie Phillips-Donaldson, editor-in-chief of Petfood Industry. “Robins will share insights on how the role of the human-animal bond is changing the way pets are fed and how pet food companies can take advantage of this bond to improve sales, emphasizing ways to reach and educate consumers through retail channels and social media.”

The bond people form with their pets may provide a valuable tool in fulfilling pet food companies’ missions to provide nutritious diets to dogs, cats and other pets. Robins is an award-winning, multimedia pet lifestyle expert, published author, pet industry spokesperson and influencer. Her work focuses on the latest trends and innovative ideas for improving pets’ health and well-being while enhancing the human-animal bond.

Other topics presented at Petfood Forum Asia will include building an ecommerce business and online community, process solutions for current pet food trends, creating value with alternative protein sourcing, health benefits of nutritional lipids, and more. In addition to presentations by internationally recognized pet food experts, attendees will have the opportunity to network with industry peers, meet hard to reach prospects and learn the latest research and information on the Asian pet food market.

Registration fees include: full day conference with educational sessions and numerous networking opportunities during lunch and coffee breaks. For more information about Petfood Forum Asia, visit

About Petfood Forum & Petfood Industry: Petfood Forum is organized and hosted by Petfood Industry ( Both are owned by WATT Global Media, a content company founded in 1917 that provides exceptional business content and solutions to the agribusiness industry. As an industry innovator, WATT Global Media has connected buyers and sellers in the poultry, pig, animal feed and pet food industries through its media channels for more than 100 years. #VictamAsia

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2018 FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference announces agenda details, registration launch.

Date: January 30, 2018 Source:

2018 FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference announces agenda details, registration launch.

Ninth edition of event offers exclusive insight into how feed industry stakeholders can improve animal performance. 

FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference representatives have released the agenda details for the ninth edition of the event. Co-located with Victam Asia 2018 at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center (BITEC), the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference will be held March 27, 2018, in Bangkok, Thailand. Registration is now open with early registration savings available for this premier animal health nutrition conference.

“The theme of the 2018 edition of the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference will center around strategies feed producers and nutritionists can implement to improve animal performance in the face of changing regulations and production demands,” stated Jackie Roembke, editor of Feed Strategy magazine. Roembke, the opening session speaker, will reveal exclusive data from the 2018 Poultry Nutrition and Feed Survey.

Keeping in line with previous editions of the FIAAP conference, the 2018 edition will emphasize the latest innovations and research in animal feed ingredients and additives.

Topics presented at FIAAP will include a holistic view of poultry gut heath, how phytogenics support resilience against intestinal infections, evaluating fiber sources for piglet gut health management, reducing antibiotics in livestock feed through feed processing, and more. In addition to the educational presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to network with an international line-up of expert speakers, fellow feed industry professionals and peers across the poultry, dairy and swine industries.

Registration fees include: full day conference with educational sessions and numerous networking opportunities during lunch and coffee breaks. For more information about FIAAP, visit

About FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference
FIAAP Animal Nutrition exhibitions and conferences cover the ingredients and additives used within the formulation of animal feeds. The conference is geared toward the interests of nutritionists, veterinarians, feed producers, formulators and industry consultants. For more information, please visit  
About WATT Global Media
WATT Global Media provides exceptional business content and solutions to the agribusiness industry. As an industry innovator, WATT Global Media has connected buyers and sellers in the poultry, pig, animal feed and pet food industries through its media channels for 100 years. #VictamAsia 


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FAMI-QS awareness training, March 27, Bangkok, Thailand

Date: December 15, 2017 Source: Animal Feed, VICTAM

FAMI-QS will organise a one-day training on the 27th March 2018, in Bangkok, Thailand.  

In 2016, FAMI-QS carried out the challenging task of fully revising its system, in order to stay abreast of the new developments in our fast evolving industry. With an experienced and active team of experts, as well as valuable partners in Brazil, China, Europe and the U.S., and thanks to their efforts, we were able to make this revision of the Code, having a robust final document that provides requirements for implementing measures necessary to ensure feed safety and quality of specialty feed ingredients. 

The aim of the training is to provide the necessary information to the participants on the revised version and cover the following topics:  
- FAMI-QS Certification Process 
- FAMI-QS Code 
- FAMI-QS Process Documents
- FAMI-QS Regulatory Compliance 

Who should attend the ‘FAMI-QS: Awareness in Feed Safety’ training program?
- Anyone involved in the implementation of the FAMI-QS Certification System (Quality Managers, Consultants, etc.)
- Internal FAMI-QS Auditor 
- Producers, Suppliers and Traders of Specialty Feed Ingredients 
- Individuals who want to get further information on FAMI-QS Certification 

- Venue: LE MERIDIEN BANGKOK, 40/5 Surawong Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand 
- Schedule: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM 
- Admission Fee: 150 € per participant (the fee includes training material, coffee breaks and lunch) 
- Binding registration: 16th February 2018. 
- To register, please fill in the attached registration form and email it to

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FAMI-QS Workshop, April 4th, 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia

Date: December 15, 2017 Source: Animal Feed, VICTAM

Nowadays, feed business operators’ operational activities take place in a rather complex legal and business environment. Third Party Certification (TPC) against a feed safety scheme has become an important feature for the feed sector. As far as the Specialty Feed Ingredients sector is concerned, FAMI-QS in particular, is becoming an important tool in supporting market access, at a global level. 

Besides its market value, a credible/ accredited Third Party Certification could also be a useful tool in hands of competent authorities, regarding, e.g. planning of the official controls or “granting” market access to products or operators.   

Third Party Certification is not meant to substitute the responsibilities of competent authorities, but has been increasingly recognized by a number of them as an important element, which not only supports their enforcement role, but can also help setting state-of-the-art practices at global level and, as such, facilitate understanding and exchanges worldwide.  

To enhance better understanding of the role of Third Party Certification in Feed and Food Safety and the role of FAMI-QS in feed safety, a one day workshop on the 4th of April 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia will be organized. 

- Venue: JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta, Jalan DR Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav E.1.2 No 1&2, Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta, Indonesia 12950  
Schedule: 10:00 - 16:00 
Binding registration: 15 March 2018 
For more information on the workshop please contact FAMI-QS Secretariat at +32 2 550 3452 or
Please complete the Registration Form and return it to: FAMI-QS secretariat,

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Book your advert for the special Show edition of Showtime!

Date: December 12, 2017 Source: Showtime
You can now book your advert for the Spring 2018 edition of our Showtime magazine in which will be published in February 2018. 
This edition is the show edition, which means it will focus on the VICTAM Asia 2018 exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand, from March 27-29, 2018. Topics will include: exhibitor previews, conferences in detail, the innovation awards and much more. #VictamAsia 
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Autumn edition 2017 now available online

Date: November 16, 2017 Source: Additives, Animal Feed, Animal nutrition, Aqua Feed, Grain & Flour Milling, Rice Milling, Showtime, FIAAP, VICTAM

The latest edition of Showtime is now available online! 

Read all about the FVG Select 2017 event, the VICTAM Asia 2018 preview, the Global feed survey from Alltech, Industry news, the Nutrition and feed survey by WATT Global Media and much more. Subscribe here if you would like to receive the next edition via e-mail. Please add in the message if you would like to receive the printed version of Showtime.
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Book your advert for the next Showtime edition

Date: August 18, 2017 Source:

We will be publishing the Autumn/Fall edition of our Showtime magazine in November. This edition will focus on the VICTAM Asia 2018 exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand, from March 27-29, 2018. 

VICTAM ASIA is firmly established as THE event dedicated to the animal feed processing, grain processing, ingredients & additives, aquafeed, petfood and biomass pelleting industries within Asia.

Apart from VICTAM Asia 2018 there will be other topics in this edition: a review of our FVG Select 2017 event, industry news, feed figures and much more.

You can reach our valuable and influential readership by placing an advert in this and future editions. You can reserve advertisement space (for pricing, click here) for the Showtime Autumn 2017 edition (November 2017) by filling out the form here.

This is also an opportunity for you to include information on any new products and services that you have or are launching. Please send an article of 100 - 150 words (incl. spaces) about the launch/ product together with a SEPARATE photo (please do not embed it!) to and we will include it free of charge.

Please note the editorial contribution and the ad order deadline is September 20th and the deadline for the ad material is September 27th. 

Make sure you book your stand for VICTAM ASIA 2018 before October 1 to receive the early bird discount!

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You can now book your stand for VICTAM Asia 2018!

Date: August 15, 2017 Source: Additives, Animal Feed, Animal nutrition, Aqua Feed, Biomass, Grain & Flour Milling, Pet Food, Rice Milling, Wooden Pellets, FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The VICTAM Asia 2018 exhibition will be organised from March 27 - 29, 2018, at the BITEC in Bangkok, Thailand.

You can now book your stand for VICTAM Asia 2018! You can find all the detailed information on our website:  

The floor plan will be online as soon as possible. Please mention your preferred location on the comments box of the application form. If you book before October 1st you will receive an early bird discount

The last edition in 2016 was sold out. You can read all about the facts & figures of VICTAM ASIA 2016 here. We expect this edition to sell out as well so secure your stand space as soon as possible. 

For any further questions, please feel free to contact us at or via +31 33 246 4404.

We look forward to meeting you in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2018!

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Catch an impression of FVG Select 2017

Date: July 6, 2017 Source:
To catch an impression of the event made by our news crew and watch all the interviews you can go to our YouTube channel

To view pictures of the event, please go to our photo album


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Victam hosts first FVG Select 2017

Date: June 28, 2017 Source: World Grain
COLOGNE, GERMANY — Victam International hosted its first FVG Select in Cologne, Germany, where almost 1,000 attendees participated.

Read more by clicking on "visit website".

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2016: Growth in EU feed production

Date: June 22, 2017 Source: AllAboutFeed

In 2016, the EU-28 produced 155.4 million tonnes of compound feed. This is 0.4% more than the volume produced in 2015. This is according to data provided by Fefac members. 

The EU-28 (Greece, Malta and Luxembourg excluded) figures show that poultry feed production grew by 2%, whereas pig feed fell by 1% and cattle feed remained stable. On the pig feed side, after 2 years of moderate growth, the production decreased by 1% in 2016. This can partly be explained by the effects of African Swine Fever in Eastern Europe, which weighed heavily on the development of pork production, but also by low market prices for pork the first half of 2016 and large availability of feed grade cereals at low prices which benefitted on-farm mixing.  

Read the full article from AllAboutFeed here.

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ISO certificering voor Dinnissen

Date: June 21, 2017 Source: De Molenaar
Dinnissen Process Technology heeft onlangs 3 integrale ISO certificeringen bereikt. Het gaat om ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 en ISO 27001:2013. 


“Als organisatie maken wij al jaren een gestage groei door”, laat Operationeel Directeur Wouter Kuijpers weten. “In het verleden is er om diverse redenen nooit voor gekozen om over te gaan naar een ISO 9001 certificering. Door de nieuwe ‘High Level Structure’ (HLS) van de normering is nu echter het moment gekomen om aan te tonen dat de processen binnen Dinnissen voldoen aan de gestelde eisen van ISO 9001:2015. Voor de bestaande en toekomstige klanten zal deze certificering onderschrijven dat kwaliteit en het continue verbeteren hiervan in het DNA van Dinnissen zit.” 

Lees hier het complete artikel van De Molenaar.

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European Pellet Future: Technologies, Markets and Policy Challenges

Date: May 30, 2017 Source: Biomass, Wooden Pellets

Both the European and world pellet markets have grown at an impressive rate in recent years. Since 2000, annual world pellet production has increased from just under 2 million tonnes, to around 29 million tonnes in 2015. Close to half of the pellets produced globally are from the European Union. However, great challenges remain ahead for European market players, for example, ensuring sustainable market growth, improving overall sector profitability and risk management or overcoming new technical challenges. Pellets currently offer an efficient, reliable and sustainable energy alternative to the European consumer, and this must continue! 

Against this backdrop, the European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) and its sectorial network the European Pellet Council (EPC) will host an International Pellet Conference on the 14th of June, 2017 in Cologne, Germany. The “European Pellet Future” conference will be held in conjunction with the FVG Select 2017. During this conference, technical and financial topics will be addressed, including but not limited to; pellet quality, pellet safety, cost and energy optimisation and risk management. One of the benefits of attending such AEBIOM conferences is to receive updates on ongoing EU legislative processes as well as statistical information on bioenergy. This provides participants with a comprehensive overview of the most recent advancements in the sector. 

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Exciting times for European aquafeed!

Date: May 15, 2017 Source: Additives, Aqua Feed
Although many European countries such as Germany, France, Turkey and the Netherlands experienced a marked decline in animal feed production in 2016, aquafeed continued its meteoric growth, with an estimated 12 percent year-on-year production increase, according to Alltech’s recently released annual Global Feed Survey. 

The full article by Suzi Dominy, Executive editor/Publisher, can be downloaded below. 

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Antibiotic alternative strategies, gut health hot topics at the 2017 FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference.

Date: May 10, 2017 Source: Additives, Animal Feed, Animal nutrition, FIAAP

Stay updated about antibiotic elimination strategies, animal feed additives, alternative ingredients and monogastric gut health. Join the dedicated FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference one-day Conference during #FVGSelect. 

The 8th edition of the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference aims to address the most pressing issues facing today’s nutritionists and animal feed producers. The one-day event, held on June 14, 2017 in Cologne, Germany, will circle around several key topics: antibiotic elimination strategies, animal feed additives, alternative ingredients and monogastric gut health. Download the flyer for more information or go to 

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Hydronix launches 2 new digital moisture sensors for Animal Feed, Grain, Rice and Liquids

Date: May 8, 2017 Source: Animal Feed, Rice Milling
With an increasing demand for our technology to measure moisture in the bulk solids and liquids sectors, Hydronix is delighted to announce the launch of 2 brand new microwave moisture sensors.  Using our already proven digital technology, our new sensors are manufactured from food safe materials and have been designed specifically for use in Animal Feed, Grain, Rice, Nuts and Liquids. 

The Hydro-Mix HT is a high temperature sensor that will measure moisture in materials that have a process temperature of up to 120°C.  This makes it ideal for installation before or after dryers or in mixing systems. Typical applications include animal feed production, rice and grain processing or other similar applications that need to control moisture in high temperature materials. 

The Hydro-Mix XT is a digital moisture sensor that has measurement modes that optimise results in materials such as grain, rice and other similar materials. This sensor has an external seal enabling it to be installed in dusty or liquid processes or applications, from 1 Bar Vacuum to 5 Bar pressure. 

Both of our new sensors, unlike other systems available in the market, comprise a single unit that contains all on-board functionality such as signal processing, smoothing and averaging.  These sensors come with fixing plates that makes them easy to install flush with the internal wall in drying, ducting, conveying and mixing systems.  

All Hydronix sensors are designed for use in flowing materials with readings being taken 25 times per second as the material passes across the ceramic sensing face.  With Digital Inputs/Output, a choice of measurement modes, free configuration and calibration software and a global sales and support network, Hydronix is already the supplier of choice for many OEM equipment manufacturers, system integrators and end-users. 

Figure 1: Hydro-Mix HT                                Figure 2: Hydro-Mix XT

Figure 1: Hydro-Mix HT                         Figure 2: Hydro-Mix XT

Please visit our website for further details: Email us on or by calling +44 1483 468900. 

For enquiries regarding the press release please contact: Melany George, Marketing Executive:

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Belgian Feed Association nieuwe naam Bemefa

Date: May 3, 2017 Source: De Molenaar
De Belgische federatie Bemefa gaat voortaan verder onder de naam Belgian Feed Association. Dat werd bekendgemaakt tijdens de algemene jaarvergadering in Roeselare.
"Het logo bestaat uit de drie letters BFA, de afkorting van de Engelse naam. “We hebben gekozen voor de naam Belgian Feed Association omdat dit beter vertelt wat we zijn: een federatie voor de gehele voerindustrie, die zich niet beperkt tot de voerproductie", aldus Yvan Dejaegher, directeur-generaal van Bemefa.
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Want to learn the latest about the animal feed processing industry?

Date: May 1, 2017 Source: Animal Feed

Want to learn the latest about the animal feed processing industry? Join the dedicated Victam Feed Processing one-day Conference during FVG Select 2017. Download the article and register today! #FVGSelect 

The technology that is used in the compound feed production has changed over the past
years. Principles for size reduction on the example of roller milling of wheat have not

changed but applications have. Read more in the downloadable article (click below this message).

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Eerste Welgro 4-asser voor De Hoop Mengvoeders

Date: April 26, 2017 Source: De Molenaar

De eerste 4-assige Welgro bulkwagen is geleverd aan De Hoop Mengvoeders in Zelham. De combinatie met een 420 pk sterke Volvo trekker is sinds kort in gebruik voor de levering van pluimveevoer. De eerste vracht ging naar legpluimveehouder Roy Tomesen in Doetinchem.  

Het voordeel van een 4-asser boven een 3-asser is dat het meer flexibiliteit geeft bij beladen. De gewichtsverdeling over meer assen maakt het mogelijk meer deelladingen te vervoeren zonder de wettelijk toegestane asdruk te overstijgen. “Die flexibiliteit is één van de redenen om hiervoor te kiezen”, vertelt Walter Boeyink, hoofd logistiek bij De Hoop Mengvoeders. Naast flexibiliteit zijn de capaciteit en het behoud van een goede voerkwaliteit andere pluspunten. “De bulkwagen is uitgerust met een hogedruk lossysteem. Hiermee kunnen we sneller lossen en door de beter gevulde losbuis blijft de korrelkwaliteit beter.” 


Bulkwagenproducent Welgro in Groenlo speelde al langer met het idee om een 4-asser te bouwen zonder in te boeten op het totale laadvermogen, vertelt marketingmanager Jarno Meijer. “De afnemers kozen tot nu toe nog allemaal voor de traditionele drie-asser. De Hoop Mengvoeders is de eerste voerleverancier die de overstap naar de nieuwe bulkwagen maakt. De eindontwikkeling hebben we in nauw overleg met De Hoop gedaan.” 

Meer over de ontwikkeling van de nieuwe 4-asser van Welgro in een van de komende edities van De Molenaar. 

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Miller unite in Cologne

Date: April 12, 2017 Source:

Attracting food millers to a multiple feed conference event is not easy but a challenge taken up by Victam International together with Milling and Grain magazine, who are jointly hosting a one-day GRAPAS Conference focused on flour and rice milling, at the upcoming FGV Select 2017.

However, there are great synergies between the various milling sectors and as the world wakes up to the challenge of feeding 9.5 billion people by 2050, the entire milling industry sector – of flour, cereals, rice and feed – is becoming more aware that by working more closely together will be critical if industry is to play its vital role in meeting the challenge ahead of us.

That is why it’s important for flour and rice millers to plan their attendance at the FGV Select 2017 series of one-day conferences that address food, feed and aquaculture set in Cologne, Germany on June 13-14, 2017. The GRAPAS one day meeting is on June 13, 2017 followed by a day of ‘match-making’ and ‘one-to-one’ meetings with fellow attendees and other speakers and visitors attending any of the six conference events.

"This is a great opportunity for food millers to engage and learn about milling developments and what our industry is doing in various sectors from animal feed, to fish feed to bio-mass processing and animal nutrition,” says Roger Gilbert, organiser of the GRAPAS conference and publisher of Milling and Grain.

"Our program has to be attractive to flour and rice millers from across Europe. We have focused on three areas that are critical to successful and efficient flour and rice milling processing. They include raw materials, technological development and the challenges the industry faces today in terms of nutrition and feeding people. I am privileged to be chairman of this conference,” he adds.

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Learn the latest pet food research at Petfood Forum Europe 2017

Date: April 7, 2017 Source: Animal Feed, Pet Food, FIAAP, VICTAM

Exclusive conference features new information on pet food ingredients, processing and trends in the European pet food market. 

The Western European pet food market experienced value sales of US$21.16 billion in 2016, which represented 2.1 percent year-over-year growth. Adding to the region’s strong position in pet food, Eastern Europe saw even healthier growth, at 7.4 percent, reaching US$4 billion in pet food sales. 

This data comes courtesy of Euromonitor International, whose global head of pet care research, Paula Flores, will lead off the conference program for Petfood Forum Europe 2017. During this exclusive, one-day conference, other pet food experts will present their latest research on pet food trends, nutrition, novel ingredients and processing. 

Scheduled for June 13, 2017 at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany, Petfood Forum Europe will be part of FVG Select, the new networking event organized and hosted by Victam International B.V.  #FVGSelect

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KSE Process Technology B.V. started printing parts in 3D for its ALFRA dosing and weighing systems.

Date: March 6, 2017 Source: Aqua Feed, Grain & Flour Milling, Pet Food, Rice Milling, Wooden Pellets

Source: De Molenaar

At the end of 2016, KSE started using 3D printed parts for its ALFRA dosing and weighing systems. At first this was chosen because it was the quickest solution. “The designs and drawings were ready and the delivery time of the parts was simply the shortest when printed in 3D”, says Michiel Willemse – Manager Mechatronics Development. “In addition to that, the costs for the 3D parts are competitive compared to the conventional ways of producing”.

This is not the only benefit for KSE. “We supply various machines, each with its unique features. This means one and the same part can differ per machine. By using 3D printing, we can produce very flexible. This allows us to deploy developments much better and faster in a shorter time”, Willemse adds enthusiastically.

KSE sees a lot of future opportunities for 3D printing. With a brand new assembly hall and many product innovations it continues to invest in the future to meet customer requirements.
About KSE Process Technology

Founded in 1973, KSE Process Technology is a family business that has grown to a worldwide concern. It supplies everything a factory needs to dose, weigh and transport materials. Besides the ALFRA dosing and weighing systems, it provides PROMAS automation solutions and services for the animal feed industry and related industries.

For more information, visit or follow KSE on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.

Media Enquiries
KSE Process Technology B.V.
Marijke Vreugdenhil
Marketing & PR
Tel: +31 (0)497 383818

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Full time stagemogelijkheid: Event/Marketing Data Analist

Date: October 26, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Ben jij(*):
-    Een 3e of 4e-jaars HBO- student met een bovengemiddelde interesse in data management?
-    Bekend met het organiseren van evenementen?
-    Zelfstandig, initiatiefrijk, sociaal en communicatief vaardig?
-    Een goede mix van een denker en een doener?
-    De Nederlandse en Engelse taal in woord en geschrift machtig?
(*) Als je alle bovenstaande boxen hebt afgevinkt ben jij de man/vrouw die wij zoeken!

Je werkt vooral aan:
Het in kaart brengen, analyseren en op orde brengen/opschonen van onze huidige data. En je helpt mee met het opzetten van de nieuwe datastructuur. Tegelijkertijd verwachten we dat je bereid bent waar en wanneer nodig bij het organiseren van de evenementen te ondersteunen. Tot slot krijg je de tijd en begeleiding om aan je afstudeerscriptie te werken.
Je kunt full time aan de slag vanaf december 2016 of januari 2017, voor een periode van 6 maanden.

Onze stagevergoeding:
Is € 400 tot € 500 bruto (op basis van 32 tot 40 uur) per maand. Ook ben je 2 dagen per maand vrij (op basis van 40 uur per week).

Wij zijn Victam International BV:
En organiseren onder de noemer FIAAP, VICTAM en GRAPAS internationale vakbeurzen in de diervoeding, rijst- en bloemverwerking en biomassa industrieën in Europa en Azië. Op 13 en 14 juni 2017 lanceren wij een nieuw evenement in Keulen, Duitsland: FVG Select 2017.  FVG Select is een nieuw format bestaande uit drie elementen: een uitgebreid congres programma, een matchmaking programma en een vakbeurs voor een geselecteerd aantal bedrijven. Voor meer informatie over Victam International BV ga naar

Stuur je motivatie en CV naar: Vermeld hierbij ook de gewenste startdatum, stageduur, aantal dagen en eisen vanuit school. Voor inhoudelijke vragen kun je contact op nemen met Erik Heemskerk op 033-246 4404 of 06-3343 7945.

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Autumn/Fall edition advertising deadline, September 1st

Date: August 30, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Dear Industry Colleague,

We will be publishing the Autumn/Fall edition of our Showtime magazine in October. This edition will contain detailed information on our new and very different event in Cologne next year- FVG Select 2017. FVG Select 2017 is a new concept and quite different from the normal events in both Bangkok and Cologne. This exciting new event will bring together over two days senior industry executives, acknowledged experts and industry suppliers within a new forum where there will be a series of six conferences, a small select industry expo and a matchmaking centre. For further information please visit our websites.

There will be even more in the magazine. There will be a frank and open interview with Victams new General Manager Erik Heemskerk. Victam International BV has a new Board, we will publish information about these new younger members.

There will be lots more in this edition, feed figures, a review of our last Asian show and much more.

It is also an opportunity for you to include information on any new products and services that you have or are launching. Just send me 250 words about the launch together with a SEPARATE photo, please do not embed it, and we will include it free of charge. Please send to

You can also reach our valuable and influential readership by placing an advert in this and future editions. Just go to the Showtime Advertising Form and you will be able to order your ad online.

Please note the editorial contribution and the ad order deadline is the 1st of September and the deadline for the ad material is the 10th September.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Andy West

Mobile: 0044 (0)7900273606
Skype: andywest123
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Last member of supervisory board Victam International B.V. announced!

Date: August 30, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

On August 29th, 2016 Mr Edward van den Elsen, owner of SolFeed BV, joined the supervisory board of Victam International B.V. Together with Joost Helsen of Agrifirm, Joris Kaanen of  Havens and Stan Raben of ForFarmers, Edward van den Elsen forms the new supervisory board of Victam International B.V.

Victam International B.V. is the organizer of FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International in Cologne, Germandy and FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia in Bangkok, Thailand. Victam also organizes the brand new FVG Select Event in Cologne, Germany, from 13014 June, 2017.

For more information:

Important dates:
- FVG Select 2017, June 13 – 14, 2017 New event!
- FIAAP/ VICTAM/ GRAPAS Asia 2018, March 27 – 29, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
- FIAAP/ VICTAM/ GRAPAS International 2019, June 12 – 14, 2019, Cologne, Germany.

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Laatste commissaris RvC Victam International B.V. bekend!

Date: August 30, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Op 29 augustus is tot lid van de Raad van Commissarissen van Victam International B.V. toegetreden de heer Edward van den Elsen, eigenaar en bestuurder van SolFeed BV. Samen met de heren Joost Helsen van Agrifirm, Joris Kaanen van Havens en Stan Raben van ForFarmers vormt Edward van den Elsen de nieuwe raad van commissarissen van Victam International B.V.

Victam International B.V. is de organisator van de vakbeurzen FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International in Keulen, Duitsland en FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia in Bangkok, Thailand. Zij organiseert tevens het gloednieuwe FVG Select evenement in Keulen. FVG Select wordt op 13 & 14 juni gehouden in de KoelnMesse in Keulen.

Voor meer informatie:

Belangrijke data:
- FVG Select 2017, 13 – 14 juni, 2017, Keulen, Duitsland.  Nieuw evenement!
- FIAAP/ VICTAM/ GRAPAS Asia 2018, 27 – 29 maart, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
- FIAAP/ VICTAM/ GRAPAS International 2019, 12 – 14 juni, 2019, Keulen, Duitsland.

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Victam International BV está buscando un consultor en España

Date: August 16, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Desde 1965, Victam International BV ha organizado ferias y conferencias para los sectores de piensos, comida para mascotas, pellets de biomasa y procesamiento de granos. Estas ferias se celebran bajo el nombre FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS en Colonia (Alemania) y Bangkok (Tailandia).

Debido a la jubilación del consultor actual, Victam International BV está buscando contratar a un:

Consultor en España

Descripción del trabajo:
• Vender metros cuadrados y productos relacionados (publicidad, patrocinio) para nuestras ferias a (posibles) expositores en España
• Gestionar las relaciones con los clientes en España
• Representar a VICTAM durante eventos relacionados en España
• Ofrecer apoyo en la promoción de los visitantes
• Establecer y mantener relaciones con asociaciones, medios de comunicación, etc.
• Supervisar y notificar desarrollos y tendencias relevantes del mercado en los sectores de piensos, granos o biomasa en España

• Tener experiencia relevante en ventas en relación con ferias, conferencias y eventos
• Estar orientado al cliente
• Ser hispanohablante y tener buen dominio del inglés
• Tener afinidad con ferias
• Estar dispuesto a viajar
• Tener afinidad con los sectores de piensos, granos o biomasa

• Persona emprendedora, con destrezas comerciales y sociales, creativa y curiosa, representativa, con capacidad para soportar el estrés y estable.

Se llegará a un acuerdo con el candidato adecuado sobre la base de comisiones sobre productos vendidos. Si procede, se reembolsarán los gastos de desplazamiento.

Las personas interesadas pueden ponerse en contacto con Erik Heemskerk de Victam International , llamando al número +31 33 246 44 04 o enviando un mensaje a

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Victam International BV sucht eine/n Berater/ in Deutschland

Date: August 16, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Seit 1965 organisiert Victam International BV Ausstellungen und Konferenzen in den Bereichen Tierfuttermittel, Heimtier- Trockennahrung, Biomasse-Pellets und Getreideverarbeitung.
Diese Ausstellungen werden unter dem Namen FIAAP / VICTAM / GRAPAS in Köln und im thailändischen Bangkok abgehalten.

Da der derzeitige Berater von Victam International BV in Deutschland in Kürze in den Ruhestand geht, suchen wir eine/n:

Berater/ in Deutschland

• Verkauf von Quadratmetern und von damit verbundenen Produkten (Werbung, Sponsoring) für unsere Ausstellungen an (potenzielle) Aussteller in Deutschland
• Kundenbeziehungsmanagement in Deutschland
• Vertretung von VICTAM bei Events im Zusammenhang mit dem Unternehmen in Deutschland
• Unterstützung bei der Besucherwerbung
• Aufbau und Aufrechterhaltung von Beziehungen zu Assoziationen, Medien, etc.
• Beobachtung relevanter Marktentwicklungen und Trends im Bereich der Futtermittel-, Getreide- und Biomasseindustrie in Deutschland und diesbezügliche Berichterstellung

• Relevante Vertriebserfahrung im Zusammenhang mit Messen und Events
• Kundenorientiert
• Deutschsprachig mit guten Englischkenntnissen
• Affinität zu Ausstellungen
• Reisebereitschaft
• Affinität zur Futtermittel-, Getreide- und/oder Biomasseindustrie Charaktereigenschaften:
• Unternehmerische, kaufmännische und soziale Fähigkeiten; kreativ und wissbegierig, repräsentativ, belastbar, stabile Persönlichkeit.

Mit der/dem geeigneten Kandidatin/en wird eine Vereinbarung auf Kommissionsgrundlage im Hinblick auf verkaufte Produkte getroffen. Falls anwendbar, werden Reisekosten zurückerstattet.

Bei Interesse bitte bevor 16. September Kontakt aufnehmen mit:
Victam International, Mr. Erik Heemskerk, Tel. +31 33 246 44 04 oder

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FIAAP, Victam & GRAPAS Asia 2016 becomes international showcase for Asia

Date: April 20, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Article by the Global Miller - Once again FIAAP, Victam & GRAPAS Asia proved that quality counts! This was the early verdict of visitors, conference delegates and exhibitors alike. The exhibitions and series of accompanying conferences were again held in the magnificent BITEC venue in Bangkok. To read the full article by the Global Miller, click here.

FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS ASIA 2016 concludes

Date: April 19, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Article by Far Eastern Culture - FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS was held at BITEC centre in Bangkok from 29-31 March this year. The event brought many of the feed and grain industry’s giants to one place to discuss market trends, network and negotiate potential business deals. The show hosted about 223 exhibitors from more than 25 countries and was 11 per cent larger than the last show in 2014. Read the full article by Far Eastern Culture here.

FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS ASIA 2016 concludes

Date: April 18, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Article by Far Eastern Culture - FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS was held at BITEC centre in Bangkok from 29-31 March this year. The event brought many of the feed and grain industry’s giants to one place to discuss market trends, network and negotiate potential business deals. The show hosted about 223 exhibitors from more than 25 countries and was 11 per cent larger than the last show in 2014. Read the full article by Far Eastern Culture here.

Buhler Group Attends Victam Asia 2016, Asia's Most Influential Feed Processing Event

Date: April 18, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
BEIJING, March 29, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Buhler Group along with several other prestigious global brands showcase their industry-leading technologies and equipment to professional buyers and visitors from the Asia-Pacific region at Victam Asia 2016, the three-day feed industry trade fair and conference held from March 29-31, 2016 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC). Visitors to the event hailed from Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, North Korea, Russia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Australia. Read the full article from PR Newswire here.

Kansas Delegation Travels to Thailand for Petfood Forum and Trade Show.

Date: April 18, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
A delegation of Kansas pet food industry company representatives traveled to Bangkok, Thailand, to attend Petfood Forum Asia and the VICTAM Asia trade show March 29–31, 2016. The delegation was able to assess current trends in the pet food market and establish business connections in Asia. Read the full article from KTIC radio here.

Victam announces new general manager.

Date: April 14, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
During FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 Victam’s General Manager, Henk van de Bunt, announced his retirement. Van de Bunt has been with the organization since the very first show in Bangkok in 1991 and during his time has seen the show grow over 600%. Henk leaves on the July 1st, 2016. He is a well-known and respected industry personality and he will be missed by all. Henk is however joining the Board of the Victam Foundation. He will be succeeded by Erik Heemskerk, currently brand director growth markets pharma at UBM, who will start on June 1st.

Kemin scoops Innovation Award

Date: April 13, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
By Staff, 04/11/2016

The prestigious Innovation Award 2016 was presented to Kemin Industries (Asia) Pte Ltd during a dinner celebrating Victim Asia’s 25th anniversary in Bangkok in April for its natural bio-emulsifier, Lysoforte Dry for aquaculture use. To read more, please visit

IFIF welcomes closer cooperation of feed sector at 2nd ASEAN Feed Summit.

Date: April 13, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
IFIF joined key Southeast Asian Feed Associations at the 2nd ASEAN Feed Summit (during FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016) to discuss critical feed safety, security and sustainability issues facing the region in 2016 and beyond. Please read the full article by Ms. de Athayde from IFIF here.

Victam Asia updates audience on GMP+

Date: April 13, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
The innovations within GMP+ International and within the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme follow each other rapidly: co-creations, new businesses, extension of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. A seminar at Victam Asia will update the visitors on the latest developments. Read the full article by Emmy Koeleman on the AllAboutFeed website.

Huvepharma wins All About Feed award

Date: April 13, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
To read the full article by Emmy Koeleman, please click on the link to the AllAboutFeed website.

Winners of the Awards

Date: March 30, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Three prestigeous awards were handed out last night, see below for more information on the winners and fotos of the acceptance.

The Aquafeed Innovation Award was won by Kemin Industries (Asia) Pte. Ltd. It was accepted on their behalf by Michael van den Dries.

The runner up for the GRAPAS Innovation Awards was Agentis Innovations. The award was accepted by Yiannis Christodoulou.

The winner of the GRAPAS Innovation Awards was Eye-Grain Aps. The award was accepted by Peer Hansen.

The Animal Feed Technology & Nutrition Award was won by Huvepharma. The award was accepted by Lode Nollet.

More pictures of the exhibition can be found in this Google Photos album.

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The shows have been opened!

Date: March 29, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

More pictures are available in our Google Photos album.


One more day till we start!

Date: March 28, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS


More pictures after the break.






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This edition of FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia is supported by an Interactive Show App!

Date: March 24, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

It will allow you to view detailed exhibitor information, conference & technical seminar information, and the show floorplan. You can also use the app to easily share details of your visit to social media, see updates and photos others have posted and connect with your colleagues. Click the link here to download the app:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Huvepharma® Stand nr C145

Date: March 24, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Liquid enzymes produced at the feed mill by the Huvematic® concept

Huvepharma® has come up with an innovative solution which improves the application of enzymes in feeds: the development of high concentrated water soluble enzymes (WSP), under the names OptiPhos® WSP, Hostazym® P WSP and Hostazym® X WSP. These WSP enzymes can be used to produce liquid enzymes for liquid application systems, on site at the feed mill. To apply these WSP enzymes, a special and innovative tool has been developed (the Huvematic®) to dose, mix and reconstitute the powder into a liquid enzyme.

Find out more about this innovation at booth C145 or visit our website:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: eFeedLink Pte Ltd  Stand nr: C173

Date: March 23, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

eFeedLink is a leading market information and content provider to the global feed and livestock industry and conducts market research on various Asian agricultural sectors. With our in-depth understanding of agribusiness issues, we provide following specialised services to industry enterprises, agricultural advisories, and investment analysts globally:

- Industry news and information (print and online)
- Corporate services (industry media, advertising and branding)
- Market research and consulting
- Platforms to facilitate trade communication

eFeedLink is the publisher of FEED Business Worldwide, DAIRY Business Worldwide and industry directory eFeedBiz and manages the agribusiness. Website

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: SCAFCO Grain Systems Company

Date: March 21, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Stand Number: B173

With almost 60 years of engineering and manufacturing experience, SCAFCO has gained a worldwide reputation for high-quality products, great customer service, and strong corporate ethics. Taking an active role in the local community, SCAFCO contributes to several charities and foundations and is involved with many local educational institutions.

The Grain Systems division designs and manufactures complete grain storage and handling systems. Our grain storage and hopper bins/silos range in size, so we can provide solutions for small farms or large commercial projects. We provide aeration equipment, bucket elevators, conveyors, augers, and a full line of accessories to meet all project requirements.

We currently have grain storage and handling systems located in 80 countries. This has provided us with vast experience designing solutions for various load capacities, as well as atmospheric and seismic conditions. See our website for more information:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Schenck Process Stand Number: B093

Date: March 18, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Schenck Process, a global leader in providing highly accurate pneumatic and mechanical conveying, weighing, feeding, air filtration and automation systems announces their presence at the FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 Exhibition. The event takes place at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre in Bangkok, Thailand March 29-31, 2016.  It is the world’s largest animal feed processing and ingredients exhibition. Join Schenck Process in booth B093 for information on how its E-finity® Pneumatic Conveying Systems, MechaTron® Feeders, MoveMaster® Mechanical Conveyors, MULTIDOS® Weighfeeders, MULTICOR®Mass Flow Meters and ModuPlasma Odor Abatement Systems can provide the material handling  and air pollution control solutions your pet food and animal feed process may require. See our website for more information:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: STOLZ ASIA PTE.,LTD Stand Number: A049

Date: March 15, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Thanks to its commitment to the feed and grain industry, Stolz has developed various technical solutions of high efficiency. Numerous regulatory constraints have helped in completing our know-how and knowledge. With its wide range of equipment such as automated flat storage, heat treatment, pelletmills, mixers, fat-coaters, vacuum-coaters, crumblers, sifters… and its well-known hammermill, the goal of Stolz is to offer machines helping its customers in producing the best possible quality of semi-finished or finished products, with highest productivity, in respect of regulations and budgets. Our job as expert and constructor is to ensure good project management project, from preliminary stages to commissioning. For more information:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Biomin

Date: March 11, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Stand Number: A131

At BIOMIN we harness the power of science to support animal health and performance. By applying state-of-the-art and proprietary technology we deliver natural, sustainable and profitable solutions to the livestock industry. For over 30 years we have pioneered innovative solutions for mycotoxin risk management and gut performance.

Our in-house R&D program at the BIOMIN Research Center is staffed by 80 scientific researchers and supported by eight Centers for Applied Animal Nutrition and a research network of 150 academic and research institutions globally. Our clients in the poultry, swine, cattle and aquaculture sectors are located in more than 100 countries worldwide. For more information:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: CPM Asia

Date: March 10, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Stand Number: B031

CPM ASIA introduces new add-ons to Pellet Mill

California Pellet Mill (since 1883), is a world-renowned pelleting specialist, equipped with a wide range of machinery for crushing, grinding, densifying, cooling, drying, sifting, computerize process  
controls, ingredient scaling systems and extrusion.

CPM has been constantly introducing new development over the years, we are thrilled to introduce tools and technology on our pellet mill and showcase our products in the Victam Asia 2016. Our innovative development such as Wired Shear Pin, Remote Knife Adjustment, Automatic Remote Roll Speed measurement and electronic oil indicator allows our customers to enhance their productivity as well as having a safe working environment.

To learn more about our new development please visit us @ Booth B031 or contact CPM or email,, or visit the website at

Please note Expo-Guide is not an initiative of Victam

Date: March 9, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Recently some of our exhibitors received a proposal to be included in the Expo-Guide of Commercial Online Manuals S de RL de CV from Mexico. This guide invites our exhibitors to update their details. If you read the small print at the bottom of the form, you can see that you agree to a contract that costs Euro 1271 a year which is very hard to unsubscribe.

For more information please visit:

Victam International does not support Expo-Guide.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Special Nutrients, Inc. Stand D021

Date: March 8, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Special Nutrients, Inc. is a worldwide leading supplier of scientifically proven anti-mycotoxins additives produced in two production sites in the USA, with over fifty distributors located around the globe. For more than 25 years the company has offered reliable products supported by an excellent quality control and technical support team. Mycoad and Mycoad AZ are the two main products manufactured and marketed by the company with both having the capacity to adsorb and retain the most important mycotoxins affecting poultry. This adsorption from the gastrointestinal tract avoids the deleterious effects caused by these toxins in the body, without interfering with the absorption of critical nutrients present in the ration. For more information, please visit:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Aerox B.V. Stand C051

Date: March 4, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Aerox B.V. is  the world’s leading odour control specialist. With our Aerox-Injector we destroy the odours that are produced in industrial processes. We help factories to minimize their emissions in order to comply with legislation, laws, but most important: Fresh air for your neighbours.

Using our proven NTP (Non-thermal Plasma) injection technology, we are able to treat airflows up to 90.000 m3/h with only one compact Aerox-Injector and achieving odour reductions above 90%. Our technology is the most environmental friendly technology available on the market. We are only using electricity without any water, chemicals or waste(water) whatsoever.

The Aerox-Technology is considered as B.A.T. (Best Available Technique) by governments, authorities and companies alike. Therefore Aerox is approved supplier at several world market leaders within industries such as animal feed, pet food, oil seed processing and tobacco. For more information:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Format International Ltd Stand B151

Date: March 3, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Around the world, day and night, feed mills are running Format software to optimise their ingredients, drive down costs and maximise profits. In just the same way our research programme never stops. Through our continual investment in research and development, Format has achieved a number of breakthrough advances in optimisation. Formats optimisation tools are unique in solving the widest range of formulation questions. For more information, please visit:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: KSE Process Technology B.V.

Date: March 2, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Stand C151

KSE is known as the dosing and weighing specialist with international experience in the field of process solutions in the animal feed industry. Together with her partners, KSE can provide a total package for the powder and granulates processing industry. This includes three groups of products and services: machinery, automation and service provision. Within which we offer the following two product ranges: ALFRA dosing and weighing systems and PROMAS automation software. Knowledge, service and excel are the three pillars on which KSE Process Technology has built up its business for over 40 years. By continuously monitoring these core values, KSE has become what she is today. To find out more:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Adifo Stand C071

Date: February 26, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Adifo software - Adding value to nutritional industries. Adifo supplies software and services for the international feed, petfood, aquafeed, premix and trading industries

BESTMIX® Feed: advanced least-cost feed formulation and optimisation is used by over 400 feed mills across the world. 12% of the worldwide feed production is optimised with BESTMIX.
•    BESTMIX® Feed software has been known for years throughout the world for its powerful functions: multiperiod, multiblend + ingredient allocation, advanced labeling, bulk blending, multi species ration calculations, cloud solutions …
•    MILAS®, an integrated administration package for the compound feed industry and raw materials trade, based on Microsoft Dynamics AX.  Comprising general accounting, logistics, order-entry, stock-keeping, purchase of raw materials (long and short-term contracts), commodity trade, etc.

Check out

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Tyson Animal Nutrition Group Stand D121

Date: February 25, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Tyson Animal Nutrition Group is a supplier of protein feed ingredients serving aquaculture, agriculture, and companion animal food manufacturers. We understand the importance of superior nutritional quality and track & traceability for your feed ingredients. We also understand the value of working with a supplier with more than 80 years experience in feeding people and their animals. Visit our booth to learn more or see

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Sun Magnetic Sys-Tech Co., Ltd. Stand D091

Date: February 23, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Sun Magnetic Sys-Tech Co., Ltd. founded in 2001 in Beijing, China, as a professional manufacturer of permanent magnetic system, we have more than ten years of experience in research and development, design and manufacture. With advanced technology and rich experience, we are focus on providing customers with customized solution of Magnetic separators in food industry. In the process of entire service, top quality and continuous improvement are our perpetual commitment to customers. We are happy to share with you our experience. For more information:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: AgriTech Inc. Stand B167

Date: February 19, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

AgriTech Inc., located in Wuxi, China, the cradle of Chinese modern milling industry. With brand MILTEC, it takes a lead in serving the fields of flour, rice, feed milling and oilseed processing for more than 20 years. The Corporation offers complete solutions to the industries, including designing, manufacturing, engineering of turn-key project as well as single machine supply. We will bring the new ultrasonic vibrating sifter to the show which is a reasonable machine for additives. For more products and company information please visit our website:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Zhenjiang Jingwei Conveying Technology Co., LtdStand B045

Date: February 18, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Zhenjiang Jingwei Conveying Technology Co., Ltd specializes in manufacturing, research and development of components for bucket elevator and conveyor. We have 28,000 square meters manufacturing facility. Our main products include elevator bucket, drag conveyor flight, UHMW-PE sheet, PVC elevator belts, elevator bolts, belt fastener, conveyor chains and more than four hundred types components which are widely used in bulk material handling and storage industry. We have the ability to provide high quality products with competitive price and best service to customers.

Jingwei believes the enterprise spirit of “integrity, pragmatic and innovative.” We will strive to become one of the best one-stop suppliers in the industry. For more information, please visit:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Sopropêche Stand: C009

Date: February 17, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

For over 45 years, Sopropêche is internationally recognized as a leading expert in the areas of animal feed, aquaculture and petfood by providing innovative nutrients.

Sopropêche offers two fish protein hydrolysates (CPSP® 90 / CPSP® G), obtained by a unique process of enzymatic hydrolysis and considered as one of the best marine protein sources.  Our product portfolio also consists of fishmeal and fishoil, vegetable proteins, land animal proteins, yeasts and additives.

Our Chinese subsidiary, SEAH International Qingdao, which has developed a long term network with exclusive partners and suppliers in Asia, will be pleased to provide you with suggestions for the development of your diets.
For more information, please visit:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: GSS Systems Co., Ltd. Stand D103

Date: February 16, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

GSS Systems is a high-tech manufacturer specializing in grain drying,  material handling & conveying, silo unloading & sweeping, grain storage and dust collecting for grain, oil, feed, brewing, bio-energy industries and ports. GSS provides product R&D, manufacturing, turnkey service etc.

GSS products: Process Dryers, Batch Grain Dryers, Mixed Flow Dryers, Biomass Furnaces, Bucket Elevators, En-Masse Conveyors, Up-Load™Drag Conveyors, Enclosed Belt Conveyors, Tri-Roller Belt Conveyors, Air Supported Belt Conveyors, Screw Conveyors, Cable(Chain)and Disc Conveyors, Custom Made Conveyors, Scalperators, Container Unloaders, CleanSweep Augers, Dust and Pollutions Control Systems, Grain Sampling Systems etc. GSS For more information, please visit:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions Chief Agri/ Industrial Stand D099

Date: February 12, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Chief Agri/Industrial originated in 1961 and has grown to offer a full line of grain and commodity storage, aeration and material handling products throughout the world.

The success of our company is directly due to the strong relationships we have created with our customers. Listening to their needs has led to innovative products that help producers minimize storage costs, protect the quality of their product, and maximize the selling price of their commodities. Our comprehensive product offering includes: Grain storage, Grain handling, Caldwell grain conditioning, Dryers. For more information, please visit:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Rüter Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Stand D075

Date: February 10, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Rüter Maschinenbau is a mechanical engineering firm with approx. twenty employees, located in N.W. Germany. A combination of a highly skilled manufacturing work-force and an innovative design team has ensured Rüters reputation as Germany’s leading manufacturer of small-scale equipment for the milling industry since 1988. Rueter’s key product line consists of a series of highly efficient and compact plansifters of both single-box and crossyoke types.

Rüter Maschinenbau’s self-balancing Crossyoke-Plansifter is designed to ensure minimum structural stress. Its modular design allows it to be accommodated in tightly constrained spaces. Leading-edge innovations include the light-weight aluminum sieve stack housing, the customizable sieve stack and the patented sieve cleaner. Furthermore, the plansifters are economical to install. Capacity at the first break of up to 5 tph, per sieve stack. Control-sifting with a capacity of up to 100 tph. For more information:


FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: IMAS Integrated Machinery Systems Stand C115

Date: February 8, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

IMAS, using MILLERAL TM for turnkey flour milling systems, and VITERAL TM for turnkey feed milling systems performs manufacturing, marketing and service processes within international norms with its professional and experienced staff.

IMAS provides:

From single machines to complete turn-key projects for flour, semolina, maize and feed mills; Project and supply: Flow diagrams, construction and projects; Manufacturing: Milling machinery and equipment, electric switchboards, automation and computerized systems; Site activities: Set-up and management of sites, plant supervision and erection, plant start-up and commissioning; Services: Technical/ technological assistance and after-sale service, mechanical, electrical and electronic maintenance and spare parts service, plant upgrading and expansion. For more information, click here.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Bastak Food Machine Medical Stand B163

Date: February 5, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Our Company, by means of Professional staff working at technical and scientific level, is satisfied to continue to serve to our valuable clients in the following subjects at the top level: FLOUR ADDITIVES, FLOUR AND FEED QUALITY CONTROL DEVICES, LABORATORY CHEMICAL, GLASS AND CONSUMABLE MATERIALS. For more information, please click here.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Jiangsu Five Continents Machinery Co., Ltd. Stand B039

Date: February 3, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

FCM is specialized in feed pellet machine and plant with more than 20 years international business experience. Till now, FCM processes of machines including: FCPM feed machine, hammer mill, Double-shaft paddle mixer, counterflow cooler, crumbler and FCKJ feed mill plant. FCM has successfully passed ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification and the CE certificate. FCM also combines high quality machines, advanced technology, professional design and rich installation experience together, which provides our customers with efficient feed pellet plant. Duty: To create value for our customer and achieve win-win situation. Target: To be one global company in continuous technical, innovation and meeting the needs of customers. For more information, please click here.

Registration for Biomass Pellets Asia 2016 Conference now open!

Date: February 1, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Find out why biomass pellets are emerging as an attractive alternative fuel for power generators in South East Asia, and what feedstock and technologies can be used for biomass pellet production.

Co-located with the Victam Asia, the leading trade show serving the Asian animal feed, grain processing and ingredient industries, the workshop-style conference will highlight biomass pellets, one of the most vibrant and international market spaces in the biomass to energy industry. It will explore the technical aspects of by-product and residue conversion from other industries into biomass energy or fuels.For more information and registration, please click here.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Jiangsu Five Continents Machinery Co., Ltd. Stand B039

Date: February 1, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

FCM is specialized in feed pellet machine and plant with more than 20 years international business experience. Till now, FCM processes of machines including: FCPM feed machine, hammer mill, Double-shaft paddle mixer, counterflow cooler, crumbler and FCKJ feed mill plant. FCM has successfully passed ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification and the CE certificate. FCM also combines high quality machines, advanced technology, professional design and rich installation experience together, which provides our customers with efficient feed pellet plant. Duty: To create value for our customer and achieve win-win situation. Target: To be one global company in continuous technical, innovation and meeting the needs of customers. For more information, please click here.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Or Yem.Stand D083

Date: January 29, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

OR YEM specialized in producing, designing and building all feed machinery system as turnkey systems, as well as on individual machines sales basis by optimizing quality and consistency with fast, intelligent and reasonable solutions in the feed processing systems. We serve our customers in the poultry, cattle and all livestock branches. For more information, please visit:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: FrigorTec GmbH.Stand B119

Date: January 28, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

FrigorTec produces and distributes cooling units and heat pumps for industrial and food applications. A prominent part of the company’s product range is the GRANIFRIGORTM cooling unit, which is designed specifically for grain preservation worldwide. For various climatic zones the GRANIFRIGORTM Tropic and Desert Types are making the different unit types perfectly complete and the system has been successfully installed in over 70 countries. All units are manufactured by our skilled workers in our factory in Amtzell/ Germany. Since over 50 years, FrigorTec’s GRANIFRIGORTM is the genuine of the grain coolers. For more information, please click here.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Bühler Changzhou, China.Stand A071

Date: January 26, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Welcome to our homebase for Asia. The Bühler Feed & Biomass business unit has been continuously adapting its product portfolio , manufacturing and logistics services specifically to the needs of customers in Southeast Asia. Bühler Changzhou, a highly successful affiliate of Feed & Biomass business unit which has been setting new benchmark for feed mill quality standard in Southeast Asia since its launch in 2008, has been expanding over the past few years into a continental base for China and Southeast Asia. On the basis of a shared technological Bühler platform, a range of products have been developed and produced in China that matched regional requirements. A technological development center and China Institute of Feed Technology(CFT) for customer staff have been set up.
For more information, click here.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: World Grain

Date: January 25, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Stand A005

International coverage of grain storage and transportation issues, global trade and market trends, grain and feed processing operations and end-market demands makes World Grain the best resource for worldwide trends in grains. The magazine offers operation features for grain handling, flour milling and feed processing, as well as industry news, relevant special reports, commodity market updates, new product technology and in-depth looks at industry activities around the globe. Serving readers in 163 countries, it is the leading international publication for grain, flour and feed industry professionals. Subscribe online at

World grain

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Cimbria A/S

Date: January 21, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Stand A135

Cimbria is one of the world’s leading producers within processing, handling and storage of grain, seed, feed and food products. We offer projecting and process control – as well as the development, manufacture and installation of individual machines, customized systems and complete turnkey plants.

The product range includes technologies within drying, seed processing, conveying, storage and electronic sorting as well as advanced control and automation systems.

Cimbria’s solid market position is a result of new thinking deeply rooted in special knowledge and experience achieved through decades of intense research and development.   

We deliver more than just metal constructions – we create solutions. For more information, please visit:


FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Reed Business Information (AllAboutFeed)

Date: January 19, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Stand E031

To reach your target audience in the International Agri Industry market, you need the right combination of media, access to your target market, timing and creativity. Reed Business Information is the right partner, with well-known brands as All About Feed, Dairy Global, Pig Progress and World Poultry. At Victam Asia, our skilled team of editors and account managers will be present to discuss the options for your business and to make your communication plan a successful one. For more information about the brands and to contact us directly, please visit


FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Yemmak

Date: January 18, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Stand B051

As the industry leading company of Turkey; YEMMAK specialized for manufacturing process equipments of  Feed Mill, Chemistry, Rendering Solutions and Biomass Engineering areas. Turkish engineers produce world-class projects and technologies with the help of 250-person experinced staff in 50.000 m2 facilities located in Bandirma. In terms of design, production, assembling and management, YEMMAK has been working with high quality, low energy cost, optionality, traceability, reliability and efficiency for every single project. All of these essential steps are planned and produced in Yemmak's facilities and managed from a single center. As a global brand YEMMAK exports 70% of its production to 25 countries including Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Ukraine and all off the Middle East and Central Asia countries. For more information visit:

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Balaguer Rolls Company

Date: January 15, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Stand C085

BALAGUER ROLLS COMPANY is the worldwide leader chill roll manufacturer sited in Onil-Spain, who manufacturers annually 16.000 rolls which are exported to 130 countries around the world. most of the food OEMÁ; choose Balaguer rolls to be fitted on their original machines as the high quality , reliability, performance and long life of Balaguer rolls are always guarranteed to be the best in the market. Rolls up to 820 mm .diameter and 3000 mm long can be purchased from Balaguer offering rolls services from its Spain Head quarter as well as its service stations located in Ostrow-Poland, SP-Brazil and Wuxi-China. Click here for more information.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Premier Tech Chronos

Date: January 12, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Stand A137

Premier Tech Chronos is the brand used by Premier Tech to market its state-of-the-art industrial equipment. PTC’s main focus is on the flexible packaging industry and the rigid packaging industry, as well as providing bulk processing and field equipment for peat moss producers. Equipment for each of these industries is supported by dedicated engineering teams, which allows PTC to develop unique solutions that meet the distinct needs of a wide variety of markets.  For more information see

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Arm & Hammer

Date: January 8, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Stand D141

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition is a global, multispecies company based in Princeton, New Jersey, USA with manufacturing facilities in four U.S. states.

We offer a full portfolio of nutritional solutions for poultry including key products that utilize Refined Functional CarbohydrateTM (RFCTM), technologyAVIATORTM and CELMANAXTM to help keep animals healthy and productive throughout the life cycle journey.

Our global team is dedicated to delivering the right solutions and the right advice at the right time. With Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition it’s Animals First. Productivity Always.

Learn more at Booth D141 during FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia 2016 or at

AandH logo

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions: Hydronix

Date: January 7, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Stand D175

The first of our series of the FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibitor introductions is Hydronix:

Hydronix is the world’s leading manufacturer of digital microwave moisture sensors. Designed to work in flowing materials our sensors are ideally suited to the feed and grain industry and provide a simple solution to ensure that grain is always at the optimum moisture level for processing or storage.

Installation is simple with the sensors positioned in the flow of materials in silos, mixers, pelletisers, conveyors or before / after a dryer. The Hydro-Probe XT is designed for silos and conveyors and the Hydro-Mix is flush mounted making it suitable for screw conveyors and mixers. Please visit: for further information.

Hydro-Probe XT in grain on a chain conveyor
Hydro-Probe XT in grain on a chain conveyor.

Curious to see who is exhibiting and what will be on display during FIAAP/ VICTAM/ GRAPAS Asia 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand?

Date: January 7, 2016 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
In the next few weeks we will introduce you to our exhibitors and their products! The current exhibitor list can be found here.

Visitor registration for FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 now on-line!

Date: November 23, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Visitor registration for the FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 exhibition is now available! Please click here to register for your free entry badge. Pre-registration will save you time on-site. The badge will give you entrance for all three days. 

Please note that you need to register seperately for the conferences!

What is the value of the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference?

Date: November 23, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Find out here why you need to attend. 

The autum edition 2015 of our magazine Showtime is now available online.

Date: November 23, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS


Bioenergy International will organize the 3rd edition of “Biomass Pellets Asia” during FVG Asia 2016.

Date: November 23, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

For more information, please click here.

Program announced for Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2016; registration open.

Date: November 6, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The program for the next conference, Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2016 has been published. The 9th edition of the technical conference for aquafeed professionals will take place at the BITEC, Bangkok, on March 29, 2016. It will be in English with simultaneous interpretation into Thai.

The conference, which draws the aquafeed industry together from throughout Asia Pacific and beyond, focuses on advances in feed processing and formulation that bring practical solutions to the commercial aquaculture feed sector.
Early Bird registration is now open and offers a discounted registration fee in addition to group and other discounts. Special rates are also available for students and Thai speakers.

"We are grateful to Buhler, Nutriad, Olmix and Wenger for stepping forward to support this year's conference as sponsors", said Suzi Dominy,'s publisher and the conference organizer. "We applaud their commitment to helping us bring information and knowledge to this specialized and vital sector of the aquaculture industry; they help us reach more people who can benefit from the expertise our presenters bring".

- INTERACTIONS OF EXTRUSION AND INGREDIENTS FOR AQUATIC FEEDS - Joseph P. Kearns, Vice President Aqua-Feed Div., Wenger Manufacturing, Inc., USA       
- ADVANCES IN AMINO ACID NUTRITION OF SHRIMP - Dr. Alexandros Samartzis, Regional Technical Sales Manager, Evonik (SEA), Singapore
- FUNCTIONAL FEEDS – BAD BUG BUSTERS TO REDUCE THE IMPACT FROM DISEASE IN FARMED FISH AND SHRIMP - Dr. Peter Coutteau, Business Unit Manager – Aquaculture, Nutriad International NV, Belgium

Press contact: Suzi Dominy email:

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Time to register for 2016 FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference

Date: October 29, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The 2016 FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference will be held on March 29, 2016, and will be co-located with VICTAM Asia at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC) in Bangkok, Thailand, March 29-31, 2016.
Early Bird registration is now open - click here to register today and SAVE $50!

Nevedi lanceert video Diervoer: basis voor gezonde dieren en mensen.

Date: October 29, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Early Bird Registration for the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference Asia, 2016.

Date: October 29, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Save $50 on Early Bird Registration for the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference Asia, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.

50th Anniversary for FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International

Date: October 29, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

You can read the Global Miller article about FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS 2015 in Cologne here.

90% of stand space FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 sold!

Date: October 29, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Already 90% of stand space of the FVG Asia 2016 show (29-31 March) has been sold. To see the updated floorplan, please click here. Don't miss out and book your stand here.

Victam International in beeld.

Date: October 29, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Lees hier het artikel in Bulkgids over FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS 2015 in Keulen.

Pictures FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS 2015 online!

Date: October 29, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The pictures of our successful exhibition FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International 2015 in Cologne last June are now online! Please click here.

Innovation Award Winners Announced

Date: June 10, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The winners of the three Innovation Awards were announced last night, read on for the results.


The GRAPAS Awards organised by Milling and Grain had joint winners.

Alapala (pictured above) won the award for their Similago II Rollermill.



Buhler AG (pictured above) won the award for their Antares Plus Rollermill.



The Aquafeed Innovation Award organised by was won by Tovalia Intelscan SARL (pictured above) for their iScan Silo Moisture Sensor.



The FIAAP Animal Nutrition Award organised by AllAboutFeed was won by Adifo (pictured above) for their One tool - MultiModel - MultiSpecies tool.


More pictures of the award ceremony and the exhibition can be found in this album.

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FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International 2015 - first video

Date: June 9, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

We've put the first video shot at the show online. Please let us know if there are specific things you'd like on video.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International 2015 has opened!

Date: June 9, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The show opened at 10:00 this morning and the visitors came pouring through the doors.

We've uploaded the first photos and more will follow the coming days. The can all be found in this album.


Learn more about the program and speakers for the AEBIOM International Pellet Workshop!

Date: April 21, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

This workshop will bring together industry stakeholders from across Europe in order to discuss the pellet market overview development. Please click here for more information.

Book your stay for FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International 2015!

Date: April 20, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

If you are visiting the showpiece event for the feed and grain processing industries: do you have a confirmed hotel reservation? To find the hotel that suits you please go to the Hotels and Travel page on our website. Complete the hotel form (don't forget to select 'Victam' in the dropdown box on the new page that opens when you click this site) to make your reservation. A wide range of hotels are available.

Don’t miss Europe’s premiere 2015 feed formulation event during FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International 2015!

Date: April 20, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Find out all you need to know about speakers, topics and the program here.

Learn all about the topics and speakers during Petfood Forum Europe 2015!

Date: April 20, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Hear new research findings on petfood ingredients, palatability, packaging safety and production. Register now for the Petfood Forum 2015 in Cologne, June 9-11, 2015!

Petfood Forum 2015 topics and speakers announced

Date: April 16, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Hear new research findings on petfood ingredients, palatability, packaging safety and production. Learn more and register now for the Petfood Forum 2015 in Cologne, June 9-11, 2015!

Lunchpresentatie Harm Klein tijdens Victam 2015

Date: March 31, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Wat zijn de ontwikkelingen in de diervoederindustrie en welke effecten hebben die voor de producenten? Op die vragen zal Harm Klein van Tebodin Netherlands ingaan tijdens een lunchpresentatie op de Victam in Keulen op 11 juni. Lees hier verder (bron: de Molenaar).

Final chance to SAVE 15% on your registration for the FIAAP International Conference!

Date: March 31, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Register today at

15% Early Bird Savings for the FIAAP Conference offer is ending soon!

Date: March 27, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Save money on your registration for the 2015 Feed Ingredient and Additives (FIAAP) International Conference if you register by April 1, 2015. Sign up now to join the primary feed-focused educational conference of the year on June 9, 2015, at the Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany, in conjunction with Victam International 2015. Click here to register.

AllAboutFeed /Victam award: Call for nominations.

Date: March 27, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

AllAboutFeed, in association with Victam/FIAAP, is again organising the prestigious animal nutrition award. We invite companies to send in their innovations that made an impact on the world of animal nutrition and ingredients. For more information and how to participate, please click here.

Exhibitor applications FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016

Date: March 27, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Exhibitors can now apply for FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 (29 – 31 March), Bangkok, Thailand.

The 2015 spring edition of our Showtime magazine is now available on-line!

Date: March 27, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

You can download the latest edition here.

FIAAP keynote speaker to address critical EU feed industry issues.

Date: March 27, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
To read more, please click here.

The 2015 spring edition of our Showtime magazine is now available on-line!

Date: March 27, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

You can download the latest edition here.

Visitor registration FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International 2015 open!

Date: March 27, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
Visitors can register for FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International 2015 here!
A seperate registration for the conferences is required.


Date: January 8, 2015 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS
We are pleased to announce the show dates of FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016!
The show will return to Bangkok from 29th - 31st March 2016. More information will follow.

Exhibitors Housing Management is NOT a Victam partner

Date: December 16, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Some of our exhibitors have been approached by a company called Exhibitors Housing Management about hotel bookings. Please note that this company is not in any way connected to or endorsed by Victam International.

Victam offers hotel rooms at a discount only via Koelnmesse, which can be reached via the Hotels and Travel page on our website.

FIAAP conference 2015

Date: November 27, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Early Bird Registration FIAAP International Conference now open with savings of 15% available until 1 April 2015!  You can register here.

Petfood Forum Europe 2015

Date: November 27, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Early registration discount is available through 1 April 2015! You can register here.

FEFAC 58th public Annual General Meeting during FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS 2015

Date: October 31, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The European Feed Manufacturers' Federation (FEFAC) will hold its 58th public Annual General Meeting during FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS 2015 in Cologne on June 10th, 2015. For more information on FEFAC click here.


Date: September 17, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

It is with deep regret that we have to announce the sad death of Piet Schrama, the former General Manager of Victam International BV, who has died at the age of 87.

Many within the Dutch and international animal feed industries will have known Piet as for many years he, along with the support and assistance of his wife, Maria,  was the driving force of the Victam exhibitions and the East/West Conferences in Eastern Europe.

As a former feed mill owner, Piet started his career at the Victam foundation as the president of the board in 1965, in 1986 he became the second General Manager and during his time as GM the exhibitions continued to expand and prosper. In 1991 Piet launched the first Victam show in Asia which has now become the highly successful Victam Asia event.

It was at the end of 1998 that Piet retired to his home in Leiden. He is succeeded by his wife Maria.

Please note Expo-Guide is not an initiative of Victam

Date: August 15, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Recently some of our exhibitors received a proposal to be included in the Expo-Guide of Commercial Online Manuals S de RL de CV from Mexico. This guide invites our exhibitors to update their details. If you read the small print at the bottom of the form, you can see that you agree to a contract that costs Euro 1271 a year which is very hard to unsubscribe.

For more information please visit:

Victam International does not support Expo-Guide.

FIAAP 2015 call for papers announced:

Date: July 28, 2014 Source: FIAAP

premier ingredient and additive conference seeks latest research.

The FIAAP International Conference, an event dedicated to the ingredients and additives used in animal feed formulation, is seeking abstracts for oral presentations for its 2015 event, organizers have announced. The one-day conference will be held June 9 and will be co-located with VICTAM International 2015 at Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany.

Submissions to the call for papers for oral presentations are due November 1, 2014. The FIAAP 2015 content advisory board is seeking noncommercial abstracts on the latest research and information on topics such as animal nutrition, formulation and new developments in the ingredient and additives industry.

The topic should be original to FIAAP International 2015 and the information should be new and innovative. The submission must include evidence of past speaking experience. For more information, please visit

FIAAP exhibitions and conferences cover the ingredients and additives used within the formulation of animal feeds and are attended by senior executives from all over the world. The conference is geared toward the interests of nutritionists, veterinarians, feed formulators, CEOs, feed mill directors, integrators, co-operatives, hatcheries, etc. across the poultry, swine and dairy industries. 

Presented by WATT Global Media and Feed International magazine, the 6th FIAAP International Conference will take place June 9, 2015, in Cologne, Germany, and will be co-located with VICTAM International together with the 8th Aquafeed Horizons Conference on June 9, 2015, and Petfood Forum Europe on June 10, 2015. The 2015 VICTAM International event combines the FIAAP, VICTAM and GRAPAS exhibitions (and their respective conferences) under one roof at Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany, June 9-11, 2015.

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EU Commission decision concerning vital food and feed import

Date: July 21, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The food and feed chain needs urgently legal certainty

Brussels, 14 July 2014

COCERAL, FEDIOL and FEFAC call on the European Commission to safeguard vital imports of soybeans, maize and various protein-rich products derived thereof from the key exporting regions to the EU. By unlocking urgently and by July 2014 the EU authorization of 8 GM products (1) for import, food and feed processing the college of Commissioners will provide the necessary legal certainty to food and feed business operators.

The EU depends for 75% of its needs for protein-rich ingredients for feeding purpose on the global world markets. Some of these GM products, maize, soy and rapeseed are already commercialized abroad, others will be harvested and made available in the key exporting regions to the EU as from autumn 2014. Further delays in the EU authorization process may, therefore, lead to significant shortage and trade disruptions due to unavoidable presence of these GM events in our supplies of both GM and non-GM material. This would trigger uncertainty on import flows, supply chain disruptions and price hikes for basic food products and major feed ingredients as well as undermine the competitiveness of the EU food, feed and livestock sectors, if a decision is not taken in July 2014.

The 8 GM products have been deemed safe by the European Food Safety Authority (ESFA) and have reached the final stage of the risk management process. The decisions for the related EU import authorizations lay in the hands of the EU Commission: some of them are awaited since the end of 2013.

(1) Maize MON 87460, Rapeseed GT 73, Soybean 305423, Soybean MON87708, Soybean MON87705, Soybean BPS-CV127-9, Maize T25 and Cotton T304-40

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Muyang changes brand name to FAMSUN

Date: May 20, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Muyang Co., Ltd. recently announced changing its brand name from Muyang to FAMSUN starting May 2014. This move is prompted by the idea of better illustrating the company’s business and the farm-to-table industry chain it serves. It is consistent with Muyang’s global strategy and its aim of becoming an integrated solution provider in the agro-industry.

FAMSUN originates from “famous, farm, family, sun and union”; it implies Muyang Co., Ltd.’s development concept and vision, which is to build a green and healthy supply chain from farm to table together with its customers and to convert traditional agriculture into a modern, profitable and sustainable business with its integrated solutions in feed manufacturing, grain milling, grain handling and storage, food processing, as well as industrial automation.

FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014 show coverage

Date: April 10, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Innovation Awards: the winners

Date: April 10, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

On April 8 the innovation award winners were revealed at FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014. Exhibitors could enter their products/services for three different awards:

  • The Aquafeed Innovation Award
  • The FIAAP Animal Nutrition Award
  • The GRAPAS Award

The Aquafeed Innovation Award was won by Norvidan for their NODS - Norvidan On-line Density System.


FUMzyme, a purified enzyme from Biomin to detoxify mycotoxins in animals has won the FIAAP Animal Nutrition Award. The runner up was Kemin with its multi-enzyme product. More information can be found on this AllAboutFeed page.



4B Braime Elevator Components won the GRAPAS Award with their Hazardmon product. Recommended were Morillon for their Super SHG Hydrascrew and Buhler for their Combistoner.



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First ASEAN Feed & Rice Symposium held to great success!

Date: April 9, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Both the visitors and the speakers said to be quite pleased with this first symposium. About a hundred people came to hear experts speaking on the future of feed and rice in the ASEAN and beyond. Due to large demand we offer the presentations for download below.

icon Keynote Speech - Mr. Tran Dong Phuong, Director for Finance, Industry and Infrastructure, ASEAN Economic Department.pdf (175 KiB)

icon Keynote Speech - Dr. Thamana Lekprichakul, Program Coordinator Working Group on Agriculture Secretariat Asian Development Bank.pdf (4.09 MiB)

icon Keynote Speech - Mr. Vinod Ahuja, Livestock Policy Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.pdf (4.13 MiB)


The shows have opened!

Date: April 8, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS


There's still three days to visit!

More photos can be found on our Google+ page.

Meet the Feed and Rice Associations of all ASEAN countries

Date: March 27, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

The Presidents and Secretaries General of all Feed and Rice Associations of the ASEAN countries will visit the ASEAN Feed & Rice Symposium during FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014 (8 - 10 April, BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand).

Speakers at the Symposium (Wednesday 9 April, 10:00 - 13:00 hrs) are high officials of the ASEAN organisation, the Asian Development Bank and the FAO. Entrance to the symposium is free of charge:

On show at the exhibition - larger than ever - will be exciting new machinery and ingredients for the feed, rice, flour and biomass industry.

Don't miss this important event and pre-register free of charge now!

Feed industry conferences filling fast – register now!

Date: March 14, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

Registrations are building rapidly for the 7th Aquafeed Horizons Asia and the 5th FIAAP Conference, slated to take place April 8 & 9, 2014, during the feed industry trade show FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014, in Bangkok. 

Previous conferences have attracted high level feed industry professionals from throughout Asia Pacific and beyond. The 2014 meetings have already seen registrations from the region as well as Europe, the USA and Australia. With special rates for students, Thai delegates and groups and for the first time, simultaneous interpretation into Thai for both conferences, the organizers expect the meetings to fill up fast. “People should not delay in securing their places”, organizer, Suzi Dominy said.

The Aquafeed Horizons Asia Conference presents advances in formulation and processing technology, while the FIAAP Conference focuses on feed additives and ingredients. Both meetings feature presentations by international teams of industry experts.

The full programs, presentation summaries, speaker biographies and registration can be found at:

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Register Now for Petfood Forum Asia 2014

Date: March 14, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

Attend Petfood Forum Asia and Stay On Top of the latest developments in petfood stack odor regulations

Learn how to solve odor emission challenges from an industry expert! Hans Schieven, founder and owner of Uniqair, will share insights on new odor regulations worldwide on the horizon and how petfood manufacturers can prepare to comply. He will also explain how to solve odor emission challenges to prevent the need for long-term odor problem-solving and plant relocation, the most effective odor control technologies and the differences between volatile organic compounds control systems and regular odor emission systems.

Click here to Register today!

Petfood Forum Asia 2014 will feature numerous experts sharing their knowledge and insights on pet nutrition and ingredients, the Asian and global petfood markets, new product development, petfood safety and production and much more. Registration is now available for Petfood Forum Asia, which will be held April 9, 2014, at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre, in conjunction with Victam Asia/FIAAP Asia 2014.

View the full conference agenda here.

Petfood Forum Asia 2014 is co-located with VICTAM Asia/FIAAP Asia, one of the largest agrifeed trade shows in the world. Victam Asia is scheduled for April 8-10, 2014, at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre.

Petfood Forum Asia does not have any exhibits; all exhibits are part of VICTAM Asia/FIAAP Asia, which Petfood Forum Asia co-locates with at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre. Petfood Forum Asia 2014 participants will be able to visit all VICTAM Asia/FIAAP Asia exhibits. Registration is separate and free if you register in advance.

VICTAM Asia/FIAAP Asia has arranged for special discounted rates at four hotels in Bangkok -- all easily accessible to the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre via convenient public transportation. Find details and further travel information on the Victam website.

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Thai Union Feedmill studies extruded shrimp feed

Date: February 10, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

Thai Union Feedmill Co, an aqua feed producer in Thailand, is conducting research on the production of premium shrimp feed with extrusion technology.

The research is aimed to increase nutrient digestibility of young shrimp, reduce nutrient loss due to water solubility and decrease dust and fines.

Additionally, the technology also enables the company to use a wide range of raw materials in producing shrimp feed.

Thai Union Feedmill is also studying the use of enzymes in fish and shrimp feeds to increase nutrient digestion and maximize nutrient utilization of fish and shrimp.

Application of enzymes also enables the company to reduce the use of fish meal in aqua feeds in order to respond to customer’s concerns over sustainability of natural resources.

“The extrusion technology is more suitable in making both fish and shrimp feed as it treats the feed with high temperature and in a short time. We apply enzymes in the feed through a coating process, and this way the enzyme efficacy remains intact,” said Bunluesak Sorajjakit, managing director of Thai Union Feedmill.

Thai Union Feedmill installed an extruder from Wenger of the US at its feed mill in Samutsakhon province, about 90km west of Bangkok, late last year.

Supplies of extruders and other milling equipment from across the world will showcase their latest technology at VICTAM Asia and FIAAP Asia 2014 at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre in Bangkok (BITEC), Thailand during 8-10 April 2014.

The two events are Asia’s biggest and most important exhibitions dedicated to the region’s feed industry.

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US starts shipping soybeans in bulk to Vietnam

Date: February 3, 2014 Source: VICTAM

The US has started shipping soybeans in bulk to Vietnam, indicating a growing demand for US soybeans in the feed and food industries in the country.

Tran Trong Chien, Vietnam Representative of the US Soybean Export Council, said the first two handymax vessels loaded with soybeans from the US have delivered the commodity to two customers in Vietnam in the second quarter of 2013.

“This is a historic bulk delivery of US soybeans to Vietnam,” he said, adding there are three more bookings for US soybeans fully loaded in handymax vessels by importers in Vietnam later in the year.

Handymax is a type of cargoship for transporting goods in bulk such as grains with its capacity ranging from 40,000-50,000 DWT (deadweight tonnage).

The crushers in Vietnam process soybeans into soybean oil. A co-product from the processing is soybean meal, which is sold to feed milllers across the country. 

Soybean meal is the main source of amino acids, which are building blocks of proteins in animals. That is why it is one of the most important ingredients in animal feed.   

Soybean meal from different origins contains a varying level of nutrient contents, particularly in amino acids and energy.   

To provide the latest studies on soybeans in animal nutrition, the US Soybean Export Council will take part in the FIAAP Conference 2014 held alongside FIAAP Asia 2014 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (Bitec) in Bangkok, Thailand on 9 April 2014.

The conference will also address various issues related to efficient use of novel feed additives for boosting health and growth of animals.

FIAAP Asia 2014 is an international event focused on feed ingredients and additives. It will take place at Bitec from 8-10 April 2014 together with VICTAM Asia 2014 and GRAPAS Asia 2014.

VICTAM is an exhibition dedicated to feed production technology, while GRAPAS focuses on grain and rice processing.

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Exploring potential of biomass in Thailand and Asia

Date: January 25, 2014 Source: VICTAM

As Thailand targets to have 25% of the national energy consumption met with renewable energy sources by 2021, biomass is expected to have the largest share with an estimated 8.2 million tonnes to go for heat needs.

This offers a huge opportunity for the country to utilise its rich biomass resources either directly derived from crops like cassava or by-products from agriculture such as rice and oil palm.

To shed light on this opportunity, Bioenergy International Magazine will organise a one-day conference titled ‘Pellets & Biomass Update Asia’ during Victam Asia 2014, an exhibition on feed and biomass technology that will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 8-10 April 2014.

The conference will look at how husks, shells, nuts, EFB’s (Empty Fruit Bunch), fines, dust or other residues from feed and food industries can provide internal energy cost reductions, waste management solutions or become valuable revenue streams.

The conference aims to describe the potentials, explore the opportunities and provide, for the region and the sector, relevant examples and case studies.

Victam Asia 2014 will be held alongside GRAPAS Asia 2014 (grain and rice processing) and FIAAP Asia 2014 (feed ingredients).

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Software to aid enzyme application

Date: January 23, 2014 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

Although global grain price is falling, Indonesian feed millers are still buying grains at a higher price due to rapid depreciation of the Indonesian currency.

To offset the rising price of grains, which are key raw materials in feed, they are applying enzymes in the feed as a way to lower the feed cost.

However, it is somewhat problematic in applying the right dose of enzymes due to their non-linear effects. Adding an enzyme at a wrong dose or at a higher level than those recommended by the manufacturer could lead to uneconomical results.

To fix this, Adifo, provider of software solutions for the feed industry from Belgium, has developed an enzyme module that defines the non-linear effects separate from the ingredient matrix, which is provided by the enzyme manufacturer as a reference for the user.

"The enzyme module that we develop is very unique. It sets up all the effects of the enzyme outside the feed formulation and the ingredient matrix," said Hans van der Wal, Adifo's Market Development Manager.

"This means that you just define in the system what the effect of the enzyme will be for a certain animal group, a certain nutrient and a certain ingredient. So, you can see right away what effect the enzyme has on energy, protein and other nutrients," he explained. 

Based on these unique features, the enzyme module of Bestmix accurately calculates the optimal inclusion rate of the enzyme.

Adifo will showcase its solutions for feed formulation at Victam Asia 2014, which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 8-10 April 2014.

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Vietnam's growing opportunity to export pellets

Date: January 17, 2014 Source: VICTAM

Vietnam has a growing opportunity to export pellet fuels or heating fuels made from compressed biomass such as rice husks or sawdust as there is a growing demand for the biomass pellet in South Korea.

Pellet consumption is growing rapidly in South Korea, reaching 174,000 tonnes in 2012. Of which, 122,000 tonnes were imported in the year, jumping from 21,000 tonnes in 2010, according to a report by the Bioenergy International, a publication dedicated to renewable energy.

Driving the demand is the power sector. The report said since 2012 the South Korean government has imposed power companies with a generating capacity of 500MW or more to use renewable energy by 10% within 2022. 

To meet this target, a number of power producers in South Korea are turning to import biomass pellets as they are the most economical solution.

The sector used 55,000 tonnes of pellets in 2012, and their use is expected to jump to 400,000 tonnes in 2013, the report said.

Russia was the biggest supplier of pellets to South Korea in 2012, supplying 34.1% of its total import, followed by Malaysia 25.1%, Vietnam 24.7% and Indonesia 7.3%.

With its abundance in agricultural by-products such as rice husks, corn stalks and cobs, straw and more, Vietnam has a great opportunity to produce pellet fuels serving the energy sector in South Korea and worldwide.

To get an update on the biomass pellet business in Asia, the Bioenergy International will organize a conference on “Pellets & Biomass Update Asia” on 10 April 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand.

It will take place at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre or Bitec. The conference is a part of VICTAM Asia 2014, FIAAP Asia 2014 and GRAPAS Asia 2014.

They are related exhibitions dedicated to the feed, grain processing and bioenergy industries in South and Southeast Asia. The three exhibitions will be held during 8-10 April 2014 at Bitec.
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Trang Wattana Farm eyes expander technology to make pig feed

Date: January 15, 2014 Source: VICTAM

Aiming to further boost health and growth performance of its pigs, Trang Wattana Farm, the largest pig farm in Thailand’s southern province of Trang, is eying the expander technology in making pig feed as its coarse structure provides many benefits to the animal.

“I’m interested in the expanded feed because many studies have shown that it improves nutrient digestibility in pigs, leading to a lower FCR and hence the production cost,” said Rawat Pokawattana, managing director of Trang Wattana Farm.

Besides, he said, the expander technology also offers other advantages such as improving feed hygiene due to its high temperature, short-time treatment.

Currently, Trang Wattana Farm produces about 1500 tonnes/month of pellet feeds for use in its farm that rears 2500 sows and produces 4500 commercial pigs.

On average, the pigs (18-100kg) achieve an average daily gain (ADG) of 780g/day and FCR 2.4-2.5.

Mr Rawat targets to increase the ADG of the commercial pigs to over 800g/day and lower the FCR to below 2.4. And he hopes that the expander feed could enable him to achieve this target.

He will visit FIAAP and Victam Asia 2014, which will be held during 8-10 April 2014 at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Bangkok, Thailand, in search of the expansion technology and learn more about its benefits from suppliers, his fellow pig farmers and feed millers who gain experiences in this technology.

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Improvement in corn post-harvest needed for Indonesia

Date: January 14, 2014 Source: VICTAM, GRAPAS

Indonesia’s attempt to be self-sufficiency in corn production is hardly to be realised without improvement in post-harvesting management.

If weather conditions remain favourable and adoption of hybrid corn seeds continues to rise, corn production in Indonesia is expected to increase by 2.2% to 9.2 million tonnes in 2013/2014 crop year, according to the Indonesian Grain and Feed Annual Report 2013.

Issued by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in November 2013, the report said Indonesia produced sufficient corn for making feed. However, feed millers preferred to procure corn from abroad because of its superior quality.

“Poor post-harvest handling, inconsistency in quality and high moisture content make local corn unfavourable for feed millers,” the report said, citing the Indonesian Feed Millers Association.

USDA forecasts that corn demand for feed in Indonesia would increase 6.4% to 6.6 million tonnes in 2013/2014 crop year, which started in November 2013.

The country’s corn imports in the year would increase by 12% to 1.9 million tonnes. Over 70% of Indonesia’s corn imports come from India, followed by Argentina, Brazil and the US.

To optimise the use of locally produced corn in Indonesia, feed millers and traders need to join forces with farmers to improve post-harvest handling, storage and preservation.

As the key ingredient in poultry feed, improving quality of local corn would significantly decrease the cost of poultry production, and make chicken and eggs more available at a more affordable price. 

Indonesian feed millers, corn growers and traders can update the latest technology and knowhow in post-harvest handling, storage and preservation at Victam Asia, FIAAP Asia and Grapas Asia 2014.

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Austfeed plans to build new feed mill in south Vietnam

Date: December 31, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

Austfeed Vietnam Corporation, a Vietnamese feed miller headquartered in the northern province of Hung Yen, plans to build a new feed mill in the southern province of Dong Nai in 2014 as it sees an opportunity to boost its feed sales in the south.

The southern region of Vietnam is the country's largest livestock production hub. Dong Nai, in particular, is the biggest pig producer in the region.

That is why all the major feed millers in Vietnam, both local and foreign ones, have their production bases in the province.

"The competition in the south is very tough, but we're confident that we'll be able to penetrate into this market. We target to set up the new plant in Dong Nai because we've been selling a big volume of piglet feeds in the province and the farmers are very happy with the quality of our products," said Dao Manh Luong, Austfeed's CEO.

Austfeed started shipping its feeds for sales in Dong Nai and other southern provinces since the end of 2012. The feeds are shipped from its feed mill in the central province of Binh Dinh and stored at its warehouse in the province before distribution to the customers.

"It will be a big project in Dong Nai because we see a big potential in the southern market. We plan to build a large-scale feedmill and invest in the latest technology for the operations there," he said.

Austfeed started moving south since 2011 when it built a feed mill in the central province of Binh Dinh. 

Although livestock production in the central was not so well developed at that time, it saw a potential to grow the market there.

"Our feed sales in the central were very slow in the past, but they're increasing to the level that we have decided to build a feedmill there. The living standard of people there is getting better and meat consumption is increasing, boosting the demand for livestock feed," said Mr Luong.

Initially, the plant in Binh Dinh had a capacity of 50,000 tonnes/year, but its capacity had been fully utilised after a year of the operations.

This has led the company to install the second production line capacity 100,000 tonnes/year in 2012 with all the equipment supplied by Buhler of Switzerland.

"We made the right decision to expand in the central because livestock production in the region is growing up quickly. Many pig and chicken farms in the south are moving to the central as they can't find land to expand their operations due to rapid urbanisation in the south," he said.

To find out technology for expansion of his feed business, Mr Luong will visit FIAAP & VICTAM Asia 2014. The event will take place at the Bangkok Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Bangkok,Thailand during 8-10 April 2014.

It is Asia's largest trade exhibition for the feed industry. Suppliers of milling technology and related equipment for feed manufacturing from over the world, along with international suppliers of feed additives and ingredients will participate to showcase their latest innovations at the event.

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Betagro to build new petfood plant

Date: December 17, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

Betagro Group, an agribusiness firm based in Bangkok, plans to build a petfood processing plant to serve a growing demand for petfood in Thailand, according to Narongchai Srisantisaeng, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Betagro.

Although its feed business mainly involves livestock and aquaculture feed production, Betagro has long been in the petfood market in Thailand. It produces dog, cat and ornamental fish feeds at one of its feed mills in Lopburi, about 150km from Bangkok.

The plant, which also produces aquaculture feeds, has been operating at its full capacity of 8800 tonnes a month.

"It's time for us to build a feed mill dedicated to petfood production as we're seeing our petfood sales growing leaps and bounds. We have set aside USD 50 million for building the plant that will be equipped with the latest production technology," said Mr Narongchai.

The new petfood plant of Betagro will be located on its production complex in Lopburi and its construction will begin in late 2013.

Betagro has set up a team to study the petfood market in Thailand in order to develop the products that fit the need of the customers in the future. The team was also sent to learn about petfood technology in Europe.

Mr Narongchai said Betagro sold about 3000 tonnes of petfood/month. This accounts as about 12% share of the petfood market in Thailand. 

Thailand will rank the eighth fastest-growing market for pet care, which also includes petfood, in the world between 2013 and 2018, projects Euromonitor International, a market research firm.

It said pet care sales in Thailand will grow by about USD 300 million in the period, driven by rising incomes and levels of pet ownership. Increasing number of pets in emerging markets such as China, Thailand and India are switching to commercial petfood. 

In 2013, petfood accounts for 77% of the global pet care sales of USD 96 billion, said Euromonitor. 

To update petfood professionals in Asia on the global and regional petfood market trends, and advances in petfood nutrition and processing, FIAAP & VICTAM Asia 2014, Asia's largest trade exhibition dedicated to the Asian feed industry, will include a petfood conference during the event.

Called 'Petfood Forum Asia 2014, it will be held at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) on 9 April 2014.

For more information, visit

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Visitor Registration FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014 Open!

Date: December 3, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

You can now pre-register for your free entry badge that allows access to all three shows for all three show days. FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014 is held on 8-10 April 2014. More information can be found here:

Feed demand in Indonesia on the rise

Date: December 3, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Feed demand in Indonesia is forecast to increase 13% year-on-year to 15.5 million tonnes in 2013, driven by rising chicken consumption, which is expected to grow by 8% to 8kg/person/year, according to the Indonesian Feed Manufacturers Association.

Poultry feed consumption is forecast to increase to 12.42 million tonnes, aqua feed 1.7 million tonnes and other livestock feeds 1.38 million tonnes, said association's secretary general Desiato Budi Utomo.

The rise in feed demand is motivating feed millers in Indonesia to build more feed plants in 2013 and beyond.

Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, a subsidiary of Thailand agri-food conglomerate Charoen Pokphand Foods Plc, is due to open its new feed mill in West Java, said Ong Mei Sian, directof of CP Indonesia.

Costing USD 30-40 million, the plant will have a capacity of 20,000 tonnes/month production of poultry feeds.

The company will build two more feed mills in Bali and Pandang in 2014 with an investment of USD 20 million for each plant.

CP Indonesia currently operates seven feed mills in Indonesia with a combined capacity of about four million tonnes.

In June 2013, InVivo Indonesia, a subsidiary of InVivo Group from France, opened its fifth feed mill in West Java, said managing director Felix Segalen.

Costing USD 15 million, the plant has a capacity of 150,000 tonnes/year and its capacity can be doubled in the future.

It has two production lines, one for livestock and the other for fish feeds. Stolz, French milling equipment manufacturer, supplied its latest technology for the plant, which is one of the most modern feed mills in Indonesia.

Stolz as well as other milling equipment suppliers from over the world will showcase its latest technology at VICTAM Asia 2014, which, along with FIAAP Asia,  is Asia's largest trade exhibition dedicated to the feed industry.

The event will be held during 8-10 April 2014 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Bangkok, Thailand.
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AMTS to distribute BESTMIX® line of products in Americas

Date: November 29, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

From October 2013 on AMTS (Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems) will distribute Belgium-based Adifo’s  BESTMIX® line of products in North, Central and South America. These products include BESTMIX® least-cost feed formulation software, BESTMIX® lab information management software and BESTMIX® cloud-based Formulation as a Service tool.

AMTS LLC is committed to bringing the Global Feed Industry and the Independent Nutritionist the best tools in a form that is powerful and easy to use.  AMTS combines years of research at Cornell University Department of Animal Science with the market need for viable tools, training and support in order to meet the nutritional and management requirements of the farming community.

The owners, President and CEO Tom Tylutki, Vice President of Marketing and CFO Caroline Rasmussen, Vice-President for Development Vajesh Durbal, and Lynn Gilbert bring unique experience and skill sets to the company.

AMTS and Adifo will join forces to integrate the Cornell model into the cloud based FaaS (Formulation as a Service) ration balancing tool. This tool will enable nutritionists, consultants and all industry partners to communicate and share data in real time via the cloud, always providing up to date information to their customers and partners.

Tom Tylutki, President and CEO at AMTS says: "It is our mission to provide and promote integrated solutions that enhance the economic and environmental sustainabilityof animal agriculture and allied industries. We have known the BESTMIX® products for quite some time now and we are convinced that these tools bring great value to feed producing companies.”

Peter Tsjoen, Sales Director at Adifo says: "In line with our strategy to market BESTMIX® throughout the world, we believe that AMTS LLC will be a valuable partner in distributing and servicing our products in the Americas. This is a major step in the way we approach the Formulation market. AMTS has not only become a distributor, but also a Value Added Reseller and Data Service Provider. Adifo has opened its formulation platform up to AMTS, allowing them to customize and build value added data services directly into the Formulation As A Service product line. This is the first step in Adifo’s strategy towards building an Ecosystem of Partners".
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Swiss Institute of Feed Technology: 11 freshly graduated Feed Production Engineers

Date: November 19, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Uzwil, November 4, 2013 – Eleven students from four different countries were recently awarded the coveted Diploma of the renowned Swiss Institute of Feed Technology (SFT) in Uzwil, Switzerland. The 32nd Specialist Course in Feed Manufacturing Technology was held in German. This year’s best in class came from Russia.

Of the 11 men and one woman who had started the 32nd diploma course of the SFT in the spring of 2013, all successfully completed their feed manufacturing engineering training with the exception of one. The road to success was not easy. It led the students “along a steep and winding path”, said Ernst Nef, the SFT’s School Director, at the diploma-awarding ceremony. Nef was highly pleased to announce that Daniela Schneiter (Kunz Kunath AG, Burgdorf, Switzerland) was the eighth lady in the SFT’s history to successfully complete the course: “This proves that feed production technology has ceased to be a matter purely for men.”

Reaching the top
Following an intense ten-month period of training, Ernst Nef presented the graduates of this year’s course their Diplomas in the Hotel Uzwil, qualifying them as Feed Production Engineers or confirming their attendance of the course. In his entertaining address, Ernst Nef emphasized the high significance of training and continuing education. He expressed his admiration for the students’ decision to go back to school: “By making this far-reaching decision, you took up a challenge that you have now successfully met. Today, you have reached the top. With the knowledge you have acquired and your great commitment, you now have the right instruments available to satisfy the rigorous requirements of safe and economical animal feed production.” He said that the goal was on the one hand to meet consumers’ needs for hygienic feeds that are safe for humans and animals alike. On the other hand, he said that companies were increasingly facing the challenge of producing and marketing feeds more efficiently and especially more responsibly while meeting legal regulations and directives.

A Russian as the best in class
Ernst Nef personally handed each graduate their diploma, adding some amusing personal anecdote to his congratulations. It has become a tradition for the SFT to distinguish the student with the highest grade during each diploma-awarding ceremony. This year the award in the form of a commemorative plaque went to the Russian Grigory Khoroshchenko, who attended the course in German – a foreign language for him. Grigory Khoroshchenko works as an Area Manager Feed & Biomass in the Bühler branch office in Moscow. Peter Hofer, Vice President of the School Board of the SFT, congratulated the best in class for his outstanding average grade of 5.54 (out of 6) and handed him the traditional pewter plaque.

New concept
The Diploma Course on Feed Manufacturing Technology was held for the second time on the basis of a new concept. The course starts in the spring with a 15-week preparatory correspondence course. This is followed by a four-week intensive course in Uzwil. In the autumn, the second block is then held with a preparatory correspondence course of the same length and the final intensive block in Uzwil. In the two preparatory courses, the students must deal with 21 different subjects. During the two intensive courses, they must pass a total of 14 written exams. The highlight and completion of each individual block are the two verbal examinations in the core subjects in front of a panel of experts. The new concept reduces the students’ absence from their jobs.
The 33rd Specialist Course in Feed Manufacturing Technology will start in January 2015 and be held in English.

Focus on practice
The SFT is a not-for-profit association that is recognized by the Swiss Feed Manufacturers Association (VSF) as an institution of training and continuing education. The goal of the SFT is to impart practice-oriented specialist knowledge on feed production to professionals from the feed manufacturing industry and related industries. Successful completion of the Diploma Course enables graduates to understand all the modern production processes in a feed manufacturing plant and to apply them meaningfully in practice. Bühler, the international Technology Group, is the partner of the SFT. More than 500 students from 65 countries have so far successfully completed the Specialist Course in Feed Manufacturing Technology. (pd)



Ernst Nef, School Director of the SFT (2nd from the right); Soeren Overgaard, Head of the Bühler Feed & Biomass Business Unit and President of the SFT School Board (right); and SFT Members of the School Board Urs Wuest (2nd from the left) and Peter Hofer (left) congratulate the best in class of the 32nd Diploma Course, Grigory Khoroshchenko from Russia (center).



The 12 students of the 32nd Specialist Course in Feed Manufacturing Technology with their instructors and the Managing Committee of the Swiss Institute of Feed Technology (SFT).


For more information, please contact:

Ernst Nef, School Director SFT, phone +41 71 955 33 63, e-mail

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Asia's biggest ever animal feed and grain processing exhibitions in Bangkok in April 2014.

Date: October 31, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

With more than five months before the doors open at the BITEC exhibition centre on the 8th April the exhibitions are already larger than the 2012 show. FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia 2014, Asia's leading and largest specialist for animal, petfood and aqua feeds, and also grain processing, rice and flour milling.

By the time the exhibitions open it will be even larger and with more exhibitors and so much, much more to see. If you are a mill owner, director, manager, formulator, nutritionist, food processor then a visit to the event is a must. Make a date in your diary or phone: 8 - 10 April, Bangkok, Thailand. Need an hotel or visa? Just look at our websites.

Please note Event Fair is not supported by Victam

Date: October 31, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Please be warned! An organisation called Event Fair, based in Bratislava, claims that we are supporting them with listings in their exhibition index. This is NOT true, we have and will not. Please be very careful if you are contacted by them asking you to supply them with your company details. You may find that their are substantial charges involved that are not immediately obvious.

We do NOT approve of this conduct and we do NOT support this organisation. If you have any any queries regarding this please contact us immediately.

Thiele Technologies - new exhibitor to our exhibitions

Date: October 23, 2013 Source: VICTAM, GRAPAS

We are pleased to announce a new exhibitor to VICTAM exhibitions - Thiele Technologies. This world famous company will find particular interest from visitors to both VICTAM Asia and GRAPAS Asia 2014 (BITEC, Bangkok 8 - 10 April).

Their respected and popular products are applicable to the animal feed, petfood and aquafeed markets as well as the rice, flour and seed industry sectors as the company markets industrial scales, palletizers, bagging systems and hangers all of which are essential within the processing of these important products. See for further information.

Hotel and Travel information available

Date: October 14, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Available now on our website is information on Hotels and Travel for FIAAP / VICTAM / GRAPAS Asia 2014. This page also includes a map that shows the location of the venue and the hotels we have selected. There is also a page with Visa Information should you need it.

Vibronet® Gräf GmbH & Co. KG at FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014.

Date: October 1, 2013 Source: VICTAM, GRAPAS

Vibronet® Gräf GmbH & Co. KG will exhibit at FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014. Since many years the company has participated at our shows in Europe and this will be their first time in Asia.

Vibronet® Gräf GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, stands for innovative high quality products for tempering and all internal online controls of modern cereal and bulk solids processing since 1992.

The company's location, next to the former flour mill Neumühle Otto Gräf, is situated in the Lahn valley of Hessen in Germany not far from Frankfurt/Main airport.

The company founder, Construction and master miller Dieter Otto Gräf started the company in 1992 with the patented vibration dampening technology to drastically reduce cereal temper time and energy cost.

To supplement its well known patented vibration dampening system for grain temper time reduction, the company offers a global assortment of systems for complete online process control:

  • exact automatic moisture controllers and water dosage units ;
  • precise continuous flow metering systems for granular or powdery bulk solids;
  • accurate online temperature, moisture, protein and specific weight control systems;
  • cereal and granular bulk solids heating cabinets;
  • intensive powder hydration mixers;
  • online colour control techniques for powdery bulk materials.
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Victam appoints consultant in Viet Nam.

Date: August 28, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Victam is pleased to announce that The North Ltd ( in Ho Chi Minh City will act as consultant for Victam in Viet Nam. The director of The North Ltd. is Mr. Bui Tung Khanh.

PhotoThe North Ltd. will be responsible for the promotion of our exhibitions & conferences FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014 (8 - 10 April, BITEC,  Bangkok, Thailand) among potential exhibitors as well as visitors.

They will cooperate closely with relevant Vietnamese trade associations, agencies involved in external trade promotion and other organizations.

Viet Nam has a fast growing animal- and aquafeed industry and the country is one of the main rice producers in the world.

The North and Victam are convinced that their co-operation will result in larger numbers of Vietnamese exhibitors and visitors at FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014.

Dinnissen Process Technology: Innovative system for residue-free emptying of bags.

Date: August 19, 2013 Source: VICTAM, GRAPAS

This system improves hygiene and prevents loss of ingredients.

Companies that take delivery of the ingredients used for their production processes in bags of between 10 kg and 90 kg actually lose between 0.4% and 1% of these often expensive ingredients due to the residues left behind when the bags are emptied. Dinnissen Process Technology has developed a new system for emptying such bags especially for these companies. With this system, companies can remove up to 99.9% of the contents when emptying these bags. By doing so, they not only prevent the loss of these ingredients but also improve hygiene and working conditions in a great many ways in and around the production area.

Dinnissen is an exhibitor at Victam Asia 2014 and GRAPAS Asia 2014.

For further information:

Vi-COR at FIAAP Asia 2014

Date: August 8, 2013 Source: FIAAP

We are proud to announce that for the first time Vi-COR booked a stand at FIAAP Asia. Founded in 1963, today Vi-COR serves producers in over 60 countries from their central location in Mason City, Iowa (USA) and their office in Taipei, Taiwan.

Vi-COR produces yeast-based feed ingredients for improving livestock digestive health and performance. For further information, please see:

See our website for more information on FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2014 such as the provisional Exhibitor List and the provisional Floorplan.

FIAAP Asia Update March 2013

Date: March 25, 2013 Source: FIAAP

For the FIAAP Asia 2014 edition the following companies booked their stand so far: BIOMIN, Cargill/Empyreal, DAR Pro Solutions, DSM, Dr. Eckel, Kemin, Novus and Special Nutrients. We expect more bookings soon.

More than 70% of the visitors in 2012 were interested in Feed Ingredients.

New for FIAAP 2014 is the ASEAN Feed Summit. The summit will convene at BITEC, the home of the event, and will comprise an international forum for Animal Feed Associations, together with related Associations from throughout the ASEAN region in order to discuss and determine the future policies and objectives for the industry.

The event comprising FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia 2014 is now well over 50% sold.

Thailand economic recovery picks pace in fourth quarter

Date: February 20, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM, GRAPAS

Thailand's economic growth exceeded expectations in the last three months of 2012 as it continued to recover from the previous year's devastating floods.

Gross domestic product surged 18.9% in the October-December period, from a year earlier. Most analysts had forecast a figure close to 15%.

Compared with the previous quarter, the economy grew by 3.6%.

Analysts said the data may lessen the pressure on the central bank to ease its monetary policies to spur growth.

"Overall, the Thailand economy is in a pretty good shape right now," Rahul Bajoria, an economist with Barclays Capital told the BBC.

"It is unlikely that the central bank will cut rates anytime soon. The numbers clearly indicate that there is no urgent need to do that."

Inflation concerns

The floods in Thailand had an impact on some of the biggest industrial areas and resulted in many factories being shut.

That hurt Thailand's exports, one of the biggest drivers of its economic growth.

To make matters worse, a slowdown in demand from key global markets also hurt the export sector.

As a result, Thailand's government implemented various steps to help stoke domestic demand in an attempt to offset the decline in exports and sustain growth in the economy.

It raised minimum wages in various parts of the country, in some areas by as much as 40%.

The government also announced plans to spend 2tn Thai baht ($65bn; £40bn) on infrastructure projects after the devastating floods.

For its part, Thailand's central bank, the Bank of Thailand, cut interest rates in October last year, bringing down its key rate to 2.75% from 3%.

Analysts said that given the strong domestic demand and increased government spending, a rise in consumer prices remained a concern and may prompt the central bank to keep rates on hold in the short term.

"Domestic demand momentum is certainly picking up and this will spill over into 2013," said Eugene Leow of DBS Bank.

"The focus will likely turn towards inflation, especially considering the robust growth numbers."

Source: BBC News

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4th Ukraine International Exhibition for Animal Farming announced.

Date: February 20, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

Henk van de Bunt, the General Manager of Victam International BV, has just announced the continuing co-operation with BTO Exhibitions BV for the 4th Ukraine International Exhibition for Animal Farming. As before Victam will organise a specialist pavilion within the exhibition for it’s FIAAP exhibitors – suppliers of animal feed ingredients and additives- and for VICTAM exhibitors – processing technology for the production of animal feeds. This will be the fourth event to be staged in Kiev, the continuesly growing show attracts the senior personnel from within the Ukrainian farming and feed communities.

EU-27 Compound Feed Output in 2013 Seen Stable

Date: January 22, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

18 January 2013 - According to preliminary estimates by FEFAC sent to Feedinfo News Service today, EU-27 compound feed production for 2012 (not including Greece, Malta and Luxembourg) amounted to 151.9 million tons, more or less the same volume as in 2011 and 2010.

In its outlook for 2012, issued in June last year, FEFAC predicted a stabilisation in cattle feed production, a further reduction in pig feed production (-0.5%) and a 1% increase in poultry feed demand. FEFAC said at the time that overall compound feed production could remain stable in 2012 in comparison with 2011.

Today, FEFAC states: "While pig feed production dropped by 2%, cattle and poultry feed have seen their production grow respectively by +1.5 and +1%. As a consequence, poultry feed consolidated its position of leading segment of EU compound feed production slightly above pig feed".

According to FEFAC, the most important factors which weighed on EU feed demand in 2012 were the still fragile economic situation of the pig sector and soaring feed material costs.

"Among the largest producing countries, Germany and UK performed rather well, with annual growth slightly above 2%, while France and Poland remained stable and Spain, Italy and the Netherlands saw their production fall at rates between -1 and -2%. Production of poultry feed in Southern Europe was affected in particular by the implementation of the new welfare standards for laying hens", stated FEFAC.

"The high cereal prices over the last two years contributed to improving the competitive market position of industrial compound feed production vs. home mixing. However, this gain was offset to a certain extent by the development of alternative pig feeding strategies based on roughly grinded feed and liquid feeding. As a result, Germany’s position as leading EU country in terms of total compound feed production before France was strengthened, with Spain scoring third place", added FEFAC.

For 2013, FEFAC expects a stabilisation in poultry feed production, a further reduction in pig feed production (-1%) and a slight increase in cattle feed demand (+1%).

"Further market uncertainties are linked to the impact of the implementation of the new group-housing requirements for sows. Overall, compound feed production is expected to remain unchanged vs. 2012", commented FEFAC.

FEFAC also warned that, with agricultural commodity prices expected to stay high, the average cost for supply of feed materials could be higher in 2013, as compared to 2012.

"After two major crop failures for soybean in South and North America, a record harvest for soybean is expected in Brazil in 2013, but its positive impact may be undermined by the storage and logistics issues it could trigger. On the cereals side, the uncertainty is still important regarding the quantity and quality of the next harvest, due to bad weather conditions in major exporting countries", it said.

Source: Feedinfo News Service

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IFIF / FAO ‘Feed Manual of Good Practices for the Feed Industry’ published in Chinese

Date: January 22, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

15 January 2013 – The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) have launched the Chinese language version of the “Feed Manual of Good Practices for the Feed Industry”. The Feed Manual, the first of its kind, was published by IFIF and FAO to increase safety and feed quality at the production level, and was officially presented in Rome at FAO Headquarters to the Chinese Feed Manufacturers Association (CFIA).

Alexandra de Athayde, IFIF Executive Director, explains, “the Feed Manual is designed to increase safety and feed quality at the production level both for industrial production and on farm mixing.” Ms de Athayde added, “We are very pleased that we have launched the Chinese language version of the Feed Manual. China is the number one producer of animal feed today and only by working together can we continue to ensure feed and food safety, while meeting the demands of 60% more food for 9 billion people by 2050 and to do so sustainably.”

The English and Chinese versions of the Feed Manual are available for download at An Arabic, French and Spanish language version of the Manual will be launched later in 2013.

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Global consortium measuring the role of specialty feed ingredients announces scientific council

Date: January 22, 2013 Source: FIAAP

Brussels, 14 January 2013 – The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) and the EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures (FEFANA), today announced the launch of a Scientific Council of distinguished world-class experts who will serve as the expert advisory body of the IFIF/FEFANA Specialty Feed Ingredients Sustainability Project (SFIS). The Scientific Council includes experts on ISO LCA methodology and animal nutrition/feed from Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and South-America.

The SFIS project is designed to measure and establish the role of specialty feed ingredients on the environmental impact of livestock production and the Scientific Council will provide independent expert advice on the project during the course of the work in order to ensure scientifically robust inputs in the analysis and prepare the ground for a future peer reviewed publication of the project output once it is completed.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Finkbeiner, Chair of Sustainable Engineering at the Technical University Berlin and Chairman of the SFIS Scientific Council, welcomes the “involvement of globally renowned experts in such an important project, which aims to contribute to global activities in the area of the environmental effect of livestock production.” Prof. Finkbeiner added “the Members of the Council would provide expert review for results of the projects, which will be shared with international stakeholders and with feed chain operators in order to encourage more sustainable livestock production globally.”

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The 1st Global Milling Conference takes place in India

Date: January 14, 2013 Source: VICTAM, GRAPAS

There are many conflicting stories about the economic conditions for industry in India. While some sectors experiencing contraction, that cannot be said of the feed industry and the milling sector in general.

India’s feed production for example is developing progressively as formulated feeds prove their worth in a country that has the world’s largest dairy industry and is now commanding 25 percent of the world’s exports in beef, matching Brazil’s record exports in 2007 of 2.19 million tones.

India’s millers have much to add to the efficient production of feedingstuffs in this diverse 1.3 billion population market. That is why Perenealde Publishers Limited of the UK and Assocom of India have joined together to bring the first Global Milling Conference, set down for Chennai, India from February 7-9, 2013.

“To gain first hand information, to network and to assess this important marketplace, a visit to the 1st Global Milling Conference is a must for anyone working in the feed industry at a multi-national level,” says Roger Gilbert, publisher of Perendale Publishers’ magazine Grain and Feed Milling Technology.

He says the Indian market is so important internationally that his company has set up printing and distribution arrangements within India for its milling title this year.

“Attending this conference, which covers all aspects of milling, from feed to food, will not only be valuable in terms of understanding a market potential, but also offer presentations that deal with the latest developments in all aspects of milling in one place.”

The cost of attending is between US$1500-2000, including airfares, depending on your originating country. Details of the event’s venue, its program and other information can be found on its website at:

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Rising consumption patterns on the back of growing incomes and a burgeoning middle class is expected to double the demand for food ingredients in Asia

Date: January 14, 2013 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

The higher affordability of food, especially poultry, has particularly improved the prospects of the animal feed ingredients market. Acknowledging the escalating demand, feed ingredients suppliers are striving to increase the production of efficient, cost-effective, fortified animal feed ingredients.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Analysis of the Asia-Pacific Animal Feed Ingredients Market, finds that the market earned revenues of over US$1.65 billion in 2011 and estimates this to reach US$2.38 billion in 2018.

Many companies have set up base in Asia Pacific, bringing innovative products and technological advancements to developing markets. Their state-of-the-art capabilities enable them to offer customised, efficient, cost-effective solutions with superior nutritional benefits to farmers in the region.

"These global participants' best practices have raised the standards and practices of the industry," said Frost & Sullivan Industry analyst Anjaneya Reddy. "However, with the outlook for the Asia Pacific economy still dim, feed suppliers have had to cut costs to maintain their customer base."

Farmers also prefer fresh feed over fortified or supplemented fodder for animals, as they have access to fresh feed across seasons. Additionally, farmers prefer alternatives to fortified food because their higher prices tend to shrink their already thin margins.

Concrete measures by the industry and the government to market the efficacy benefits of feed ingredients to farmers will boost adoption and expand the market.

"Suppliers must focus on creating awareness of the benefits of feed fortification, such as its ability to extend shelf-life, keep animals in good health, and provide quality products like meat and eggs," noted Reddy. "Organisations and various associations could also customize ingredients to suit the needs of the farmers, as well as take advantage of the safe image of various feed ingredients for branding purposes."

Courtesy of Far Eastern Agriculture

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Meeting with Indian Feed Association (CLFMA)

Date: December 19, 2012 Source: FIAAP, VICTAM

During their time in India Henk van de Bunt and Andy West met with the current CLFMA President - Dr Dinesh Bhosale. He agreed that the association would support our next event in Bangkok in 2014 and that he and members of his association would also attend the shows and conferences. Victam will also become a member of CLFMA. There are approximately 70 members of the association who represent about 75% of the annual Indian feed tonnage. We understood from our discussions that the Indian feed market is expanding in all of their sectors - poultry, dairy, aqua and even pet. The use of manufactured feed is and will increase as the existing millers and new companies invest in up-dating plant or build new mills.
